Gamification has become an indispensable part of the online gaming experience. Casino players no longer want only to place bets but reach high scores and leave others in the dust. Adding elements of traditional video gameplay to other aspects of our lives has become the norm that makes ordinary things more exciting. 

Unlock New Levels for New Bonus Rewards

Checking out the newest casinos list reveals a wide range of operators offering special rewards systems and loyalty points. Although the concept of rewarding the user’s loyalty is nothing new, in the online gambling industry, it has evolved into an exciting type of promotion that is similar to conquering levels in a video game.

Artificial Intelligence On Online Casinos

Players who place real money bets get complimentary points (CP) after wagering bets of a predetermined value. The more points they collect, the faster they climb through the levels, unlocking special deals and perks. However, gamers should be quick, as loyalty points reset every so often, thus creating a sense of urgency.

The Lively World of Casino Tournaments 

In loyalty programs, the gamblers compete against the clock and themselves. In tournaments and competitions organized by UK approved casino gaming operators, a completely different wild card is added to the mix — other players who take on the same challenge.

In this case, all players compete in playing the same games. The variety is strictly limited, so experienced and new gamblers get the same chances. This is where it gets interesting, as not all tournaments have the same rules:

  • The winner can be the person who places the most bets;
  • The winner can be the person who wagers the most money;
  • The winner can be the gambler who wins the most money;
  • The winner can be the gambler with the biggest single bet win. 

Although it might seem counterintuitive, tournaments and challenges help create a sense of community, while adding a dash of competitiveness at the same time. Another key to their appeal is that there is more than one winner, as the top-ranking players share the same prize pool but to a different extent.

Introducing Interactive Features 

For over a decade, online gambling was a lonesome entertainment. Today, it is just as social as playing World of Warcraft and League of Legends. The emergence of live casino chats made spinning the roulette wheel as immersive and open to commentary as possible.

While we are still waiting to see how interactive elements will be added to classic video casino games, live dealers are already used to it. They especially flourish in live slots, where players can finally experience a pretty much traditional slot game, with a sprinkle of socialising on top.