One of the two featured weapon in the Genshin Impact 3.3 weapon banner is Itto's Signature weapon Redhorn Stonethresher. It is a powerful claymore with an insane 88.2% Crit DMG sub-stat, which means other characters can use it fairly effectively and not just Itto.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase everything you need to know about the Redhorn Stonethresher in Genshin Impact to see if it is worth pulling or not.

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Itto and the Redhorn Stonethresher.

Stats of Redhorn Stonethresher In Genshin Impact

According to its previous owner, this weapon is the "Mighty Redhorn Stoic Stonethreshing Gilded Goldcrushing Lion Lord" that can send any monster packing with its tail between its legs.

  • Base ATK (Lv. 1 - 90): 44 - 542
  • Sub stat (Lv. 1 - 90): 19.2% - 88.2% CRIT DMG

Passive: Gokadaiou Otogibanashi - DEF is increased by 28%/35%/42%/49%/56%. Normal and Charged Attack DMG is increased by 40%/50%/60%/70%/80% of DEF.

Overall, the stats of this claymore is excellent, with its low base damage balancing out its high Crit DMG sub stat.

What are the best characters to use Redhorn Stonethresher?

Overall, the stats are so good that all DPS claymore users can use the Redhorn, and not just characters who scale on DEF. Powerful DPS like Diluc, Eula and Razor could definitely use the high Crit DMG bonus.

Redhorn Stonethresher
Redhorn Stonethresher Ascension materials

The best characters for the Redhorn Stonethresher, however, are Claymore characters who scale based on DEF:

Arataki Itto

With the weapon designed for Itto, it is pretty obvious that all aspects of it support Itto's kit. The Redhorn boosts Charged attacks damage, which is what Itto spam repeatedly after activating his Burst. On top of that, the DEF passive boosts both Itto's damage bonus gained from his Burst and 4th Ascension Passive.


Similar to Itto, Noelle's kit also scales based on DEF. The extra DEF from the Redhorn boosts both Noelle's shield strength and burst DMG - both support and DPS Noelle should be able to enjoy this bonus. Her normal attacks during Burst also enjoy the bonus damage. If you are maining Noelle with C6, getting the Redhorn would turn her into an SS-tier character.


Xinyan is actually one of the less-used characters with a kit based on DEF. On top of her DEF-scaling shield, she also gains an ATK Bonus equal to 50% of her DEF. If you for some reason have Xinyan C6, getting the Redhorn can pretty much turn her into a competitive DPS character.

Redhorn Stonethresher Ascension Materials

Redhorn Stonethresher Ascension Materials

Below is a list of all the Ascension Materials you need to max out this weapon in Genshin Impact:

  • 5x Narukami's Wisdom
  • 14x Narukami’s Joy
  • 14x Narukami’s Affection
  • 6x Narukami’s Valor
  • 23x Concealed Claw
  • 27x Concealed Unguis
  • 41x Concealed Talon
  • 15x Old Handguard
  • 23x Kageuchi Handguard
  • 27x Famed Handguard
  • 225,000 Mora

Players can get the Narukami materials in the Domain of Forgery: Altar of Sands on Sunday, Tuesday, Friday. They drop from the slime, abyss mage and mitachurl enemies.

All 3 levels of claws drop from Rifthounds. Lastly, handguards can be obtained by defeating Kairagi and Nobushi enemies in Inazuma.

>>> Read more: Genshin Impact 3.4: Alhaitham Signature Sword 'Light of Foliar Sanction' Revealed