Having a good character combo in Free Fire is one of the key aspects that will lead you to victory. While many characters in Free Fire are locked behind a paywall, there are still many options left for free-to-play players to make a strong character combo.

In this article, we are going to show you the top 3 character combinations in Free Fire 2021 for free-to-play players in OB29.

1. Rafael + Laura + Moco + Maxim

This is a great character combination for players who love playing sniper rifles and don't like to move a lot. This combo is especially good with the double-sniper playstyle.

Rafael allows you to have the Silence effect on sniper rifles, concealing your position. Laura will keep your shot more accurate when sniping and Moco will tell you their position.

As for the last character, you are free to use any character you like. I prefer Maxim because his speed healing can be useful in many situations.

Free Fire Rafael New Ability
Rafael is a great character for a sniper player.

2. Hayayo + Andrew + Kelly + Moco

In this Free Fire character combination 2021, we are going to use all the 4 Awaken characters in Free Fire, all of which can be unlocked easily with gold. This character combo is preferred in close-range and mid-range combats. Hayato and Andrew will make sure that you have a big HP and damage advantage over the opponent.

Kelly will improve your mobility in combat while Moco lets you track down the enemies.

Hayato Awaken will help you in a face to face combat.

3. A124 + Miguel + Moco + Kelly

The A124 and Miguel combo has been one of the most used character combinations in Free Fire because of its availability and usefulness. Of course, you will need to get kills in order for this combo to work so an aggressive playstyle is advised. Moco and Kelly will help you a lot in combats but feel free to replace them with any characters that will get you more kills.

After a recent buff, A124 is now a great character to use in combats.

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