Kirara is a new character with a unique skill that no one has in Genshin Impact. Her elemental skill has a special feature. Check it out and learn how to use this special skill of Genshin Impact Kirara here.

Kirara's Unique Skill

A Genshin player has found a unique feature related to the elemental skill of Kirara. This character is famous for her special skill of transforming into a cat-in-a-box called Komaniya Express. It gives this character a shield scaling on her HP.

Kirara Genshin Impact
Kirara has a special skill of turning into a cat-in-a-box that no one has.

But she has a hidden skill that has been found out by a Genshin Impact player while he was playing in the Cecilia Garden domain. This domain has two kinds of enemies, including:

  • Hydro Slimes
  • Hydro Abyss Mages

These Hydro Abyss Mages can summons water bubbles that lock your characters for a while if they are captured inside. This interruption happens to all characters except for Kirara. This cat girl is not captured when she touches these bubbles.

A Cat In A Box
This cat girl has a shield scaling on her HP status that can protect Kirara and her teammates.

When Kirara interacts with these water bubbles in the shape of Komaniya Express, she even breaks them. This finding amazes a lot of players. This makes Hydro Abyss Mages and some other Hydro enemies with Hydro Bubble summoning skills less challenging to them.

In the form of Komaniya Express, Kirara can deal damage to enemies and objects that she touches. But it only works when this character is in the form of a cat-in-a-box. Your characters are still interrupted and locked when being protected inside her shield.

Kirara Can Break Hydro Bubbles
Kirara can break Hydro bubbles that Hydro Abyss Mages summons in the battlefield.

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