A number of changes have been made to Nahida and Layla before their upcoming debut in Genshin Impact. These leaks were revealed by credible sources who participated in the ongoing 3.2 beta.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to analyze the new changes and how they affect the characters.  While Nahida has gotten some new buffs, Layla has received modifications to her Elemental Skill and constellations.

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Mihoyo is still balancing the two characters and their final version will come out when the 3.2 beta ends.

Nahida changes in Genshin Impact 3.2 beta

Based on the leaks, Nahida will gain interruption resistance when she uses the Hold version of her Elemental Skill. This is useful, as she needs to maintain it for a while to mark all the targets - getting interrupted mid-cast would be annoying.

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Shrine of Maya has the biggest AoE amongst Genshin Impact's Elemental Burst.

Nahida's Elemental Burst also gets a buff. Its effects now apply to all the party members, even when Nahida is off the field. The only limit of this ability is that they must remain inside the AoE of the Shrine of Maya. This is more like a fix - Nahida's ability to off-field support is super useful.

Layla changes in Genshin Impact 3.2 beta

Based on the leaks, Layla's Elemental Skill and her fourth constellation will be changed a little:

Her skill, Night of Normal Focus, creates a Cryo shield that can absorb damage based on her Max HP. It now applies Cryo on Layla for a brief period of time. This is likely similar to how Barbara applies Hydro to herself when she creates a Melody Loop using her Elemental Skill.

Overall, this change is rather pointless as it can be a bit of a detriment. For example, if Layla has the wet status, she would be frozen when trying to cast her Skill.

Genshin Impact Layla Banner Release Date
Layla is the first character in Sumeru without any reaction to Dendro.

Layla's 4th constellation gives her teammates bonus damage on Normal/Charged attacks whenever her Skill deals damage to nearby foes. The effect now lasts for 3 seconds and gets removed 0.05s after the attack lands. The damage increase is 5% of Layla's Max HP.

Genshin Impact 3.2 phase 1 Banner

The upcoming banner for 3.2 will be Nahida + Yoimiya, with the featured 4 star being Layla.

The weapon banner will be A Thousand Floating Dreams (Nahida's catalyst) + Thundering Pulse

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