Originally launched in 2016 for PC, The Eyes of Ara is a gorgeous point-and-click puzzle/adventure game that was regarded as one of the best indie games of the year. The game later made its way to iOS devices in June 2018, and now, an Android version is also up and available on Google Play. Check out its trailer below:

There’s no doubt that the graphics will be the first thing that people notice about The Eyes of Ara. The game has players explore various parts of an ancient castle, from an antique corridor to a dusty library and more – all of which are strikingly rendered in 3D graphics.

Eyes Of Ara
Explore a stunning castle

Aside from the graphics, you'll also notice that there are plenty of puzzles of different kinds to solve. These can prove pretty challenging, and apparently the game will not give you any hints. As a result, if you do end up getting stuck at some point, you might have to resort to searching on the Internet for a solution. It’s clear that this is not exactly a casual-friendly title. There's no clear narrative to follow either. Instead, you’ll have to rely on bits of information and visual clues scattered throughout the level to work out what’s going on. Surely this is frustrating for some, but others might find the experience actually interesting.

Eyes Of Ara Puzzle
Plenty of puzzles to challenge your intellect

The Eyes of Ara currently has a price of $4.99 (Rs 345) on the Play Store. Of course, being a premium title, there will be no ads or IAPs included. For 16 to 20 hours’ worth of content, this is indeed a steal. For comparison, you’ll have to squeeze out 10 more bucks than that if you want to get the Steam version.

All in all, The Eyes of Ara is a great point-and-click adventure game that fans of the genre should not miss out on. Check it out on Google Play right now.