Asmodee Digital has just launched a new installment in the Talisman board game universe, which is a solo-exclusive experience. The game is titled Talisman: Origins, and it aims to offer players a chance to explore the history of the Talisman universe, as well as several the elements from the DLCs of the original game. Check out its trailer below:

The trailer doesn’t really offer too much insight into what players can expect in term of gameplay. However, the description on the Play Store does reveal a few details. The gameplay will focus on solo play as you control your character to move across the board and complete various quests.

Talisman Origin Quest
The game will be a solo-focused experience in which you take your character through a series of quests and stories

That said, Talisman: Origins will still follow the rules of the board game’s Revised 4th Edition. You'll have 12 unique characters to choose from, each of whom comes with his/her own skill set. There are also 20 adventures that you can play through, and in some of them you even have the chance to play as the villain. If you are unfamiliar with the board game, this digital version has a tutorial at the beginning to help you get a grasp of how things work as well.

Talisman Tutorial
There is a helpful tutorial for those who haven't played Talisman before

Talisman: Origins is currently available on Google Play for $3.49 (Rs 275), which is a pretty decent deal considering that the Steam version costs twice as much. Of course, being a premium release, there is no ad or IAP.

Asmodee Digital has had a lot of experience when it comes to making digital ports of board games for mobile devices. Given the developer’s previous credits, Talisman: Origins seems like a pretty solid option for board game lovers. With plenty of quests and challenges, the game will probably keep you busy for quite a while.