GTA Vice City is one of the most iconic action RPG ever created, however, its graphics look pretty awful in 2021's standards. While you can definitely try out the GTA Remastered Trilogy this November, your PC might not be able to run it. Therefore, modding is the best alternate. In this article, we are going to showcase the best graphic mods for GTA Vice City to enhance textures and effects.

1. GTA Vice Cry Reborn

The modding community has released quite a few graphic mods for GTA Vice City over the years. However, none of them were able to surpass this iconic texture enhancer. Jumping back or getting into GTA Vice City is a nostalgic experience, but the dull and low res texture can be a turn-off for some.

GTA Vice Cry Reborn
GTA Vice Cry Reborn

This mod will deal with that problem by replacing the original textures with crisp and robust new surfaces. Colors in Vice City also get a little bit of fixing as well, replacing light shades with enhanced versions.

2. GTA VC ICEnhancer

GTA VC ICEnhancer 0.6.6 is probably one of the most popular graphic mods for GTA Vice City out there. There is a reason that ICEnhancer is favored by fans. Besides features similar to reborn, GTA VC ICEnhancer also has additional settings like shadows, particular graphics, blending shadows, and more.

This mod is something players must not must out if they are going to take a trip back to GTA Vice City.

GTA VC ICEnhancer
GTA VC ICEnhancer

3. GTA Vice City Widescreen Fix

One of the biggest weaknesses of GTA Vice City is its original resolution of 4:3. Most people use widescreens these days, which results in huge black spaces on the sides when you run a 4:3 game. The GTA Vice City Widescreen Fix mod fixes that problem and allows players to enjoy GTA Vice City at incredibly high resolutions.

The color quality and texture improvements are absolutely unbelievable. The mod can literally bring Vice City to 2021 and remove the need for a remake altogether.

GTA Vice City Widescreen Fix
GTA Vice City Widescreen Fix

4. Project2DFX

Unlike the above GTA Vice City graphic mods that aimed for texture details and colors, Project2DFX focuses on effects. Back in the day when GTA Vice City was still hot, Rockstar has to put various limiters on its effects to accommodate PC hardware. That's no longer needed in 2021... and Project2DFX will deal with that issue.

The mod removes the various limiters placed on graphics and improves the overall quality of effects in the game. It is definitely a must-have if you want an authentic Vice City experience.


5. Vice City Remastered HUD Interface

Unlike other mods on this list that works on updating the graphical effects, Vice City Remastered HUD Interface tinkers with UI elements and enhances the resolution of the assets in the game. By installing this mod, your PC version will get some of the improved features from the Android remasters.

HUDs are crucial for gameplay, making this one of the best graphic mods for GTA Vice City.

>>> Read more: GTA Vice City Remastered Download | Travel Back To Your Childhood