Ran Mori is the leading character in the legendary detective manga "Detective Conan." This series has not only captured hearts in Japan but has also gained global popularity due to its gripping storyline, sharp deductions, and charming romance. As a result, Ran is one of the most beloved characters online, admired for her sweet beauty paired with a strong and determined personality.

Recently, a Chinese influencer known as "芝麻奶糖猪" (Candy Pig) went viral on Xiaohongsu for her impressive Ran cosplay. Many fans felt she looked like she stepped straight out of the comic, donning the striking school uniform of Teitan High. Additionally, this popular figure frequently shares makeup tutorials and diverse hairstyle tips, making her natural beauty a topic of fascination thanks to its pure and fresh appeal.

This cosplayer stands out with her slender figure and ideal height, along with a sweet yet elegant face. She has large, sparkling eyes, a straight nose, and glowing fair skin. Her long, flowing black hair adds to her delicate V-line chin and petite features, giving her an ethereal, fairy-like quality. Moreover, she impresses with her feminine and graceful style, complemented by a light and elegant makeup look that captures the essence of classic beauty.