Miikka 'suNny' Kemppi has been a crucial part to the success of the CS:GO mousesports squad in 2018. He has established himself as one of the best Finnish stars in the scene during his time with mousesports.

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suNny has spent his time in mousesports since late 2017 and earned decent success with the European squad

However, one situation in early 2019 saw the team falling apart. Tomáš 'oskar' Šťastný and Martin 'STYKO' Styk left the team while suNny remained on the bench of mousesports. While so many teams have gone through various roster changes, suNny remained inactive for around 8 months.

There have been rumors about the ex-member of mousesports joining new projects like 100T, Dignitas, or even Complexity. However, what suNny actually did was taking time off and reflecting on his time in mousesports in 2018.

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suNny even won the V4 Future Sports Festival 2018 with mousesports, a $597,000 event

Serious problems with active players

During his time in mousesports since late 2017, suNny was pretty active in the scene, attending every premier tournament with his teammates. Though he has learned invaluable experience from competing in top-tier events, the trade-off was pretty high as he had to deal with burnout.

Being in competition constantly 24/7 is just not healthy" – suNy said in an interview with Unikrn in ESL One New York. He shared his thoughts that even one or two days off were not enough for complicated reasons.

A packed schedule of competitive CS:GO has taken a toll on the young CS:GO player even though he is just 25

suNny recalled his time in mousesports, during which his team was on the rise. The schedule was so packed that traveling alone could cause serious jetlag and fatigue for the Finnish star. During that time, every day off was precious as he would spend it resting to recover from burnout after all these tight schedules and traveling.

At that time, tournament invites and traveling opportunities were too valuable for mousesports as an emerging team to the top scene. It was hard to skip these rare chances to rise just to wind down in the ever-evolving CS:GO scene.

Health comes first

Throughout his long break on the bench of mousesports, suNny spent 3 weeks away from the world of CS:GO and even his computer. The Finnish star took the chance to improve his other aspects of life without CS:GO. During that time, suNny chilled out with his family and friends, fixing his relationship he was missing.

Now that suNny has experienced the hardship first-hand, he would never let his new teammates in ENCE suffer the same fate. suNny looks to build up a more sustainable and healthy life for his new family in ENCE.

suNny will make sure his new teammates in ENCE never suffer the same fate

All in all, the career opportunities for CS:GO players are great, but we need to care for our health first before it seriously affects our life.