Auto-runners are clearly enjoyable, but it really takes a lot from a mobile game to stand out from the crowds, something unique to make a difference from the other thousands that come out every year. Handprint Games is preparing for just that with its upcoming auto-runner release: 3EALITY.

3EALITY is an upcoming auto-runner that requires you to play not one but three different characters simultaneously.

Unique hooks of the game

Before even realizing the game’ unique hook, players will see that it is already attractive to the eyes and ears thanks to the catchy soundtrack and captivating art style. The really unique thing about 3EALITY is that you’re not just controlling ONE runner, you’re simultaneously playing THREE runners at a time. Well, that explains the “3" in 3EALITY, doesn’t it? With most of the runner games nowadays, you might be jumping and attacking enemies. However, with 3EALITY, your screen splits into three and every action you take affects the three games at the same time. For that, it takes much more consideration to play the game than any other runners. Watch the trailer below to see the actual gameplay of 3EALITY.

The hidden story behind

Story-wise, you’re playing Meta, the character that is a part of rebel alliance in a totalitarian future. You are taken while on your way to a rebel meeting. However, you own the ability to contact your “alternative selves" that exist in different other realities. Therefore, you’re trying to guide yourself through such dangerous realities and reach the headquarter where you are being held to attempt to rescue yourself. While you’re playing the three games at the same time, it’s okay to screw up in one game. You will be able to continue playing the other two and eventually the last game. In general, 3EALITY can be a bit hectic but it’s really forgiving. The idea is really interesting and let’s look forward to the official release of 3EALITY on next Monday, February 25th.