Many Role-Playing Games fan must have at least once heard of Knights Chronicle, a game which has received a lot of positive comments and praise. Knights Chronicle has already got a variety of features that help lure in gamers. Still, fans of the famous manga - Fairy Tail - are going to see their beloved characters joining the fight, all thanks to one special event that will last until the 19th of March.

At the beginning of the event, each and every player of the game, regardless of being old or new, will receive an SSR character for free, which is Wendy - the sky dragon slayer. Naturally, the most favorite characters of the fandom such as Erza, Lucy as well as Natsu will, of course, be on board. Alongside those characters, it’s hard to leave out Gray, who will certainly be topless just like the fans’ expectation.

Even if it was just being able to have the new characters from Fairy Tail join your team, this would still be listed as one of the sweetest events ever made to the game. But even better, the game’s developers decided to spice things up a little bit more by adding some new content centering around the new characters. This, of course, means that you will get the chance to fight against them. So, you can either battle against the impenetrable flames of the fire dragon slayer Natsu as well as Lucy’s terribly powerful guardians from the Spirit World with the team of Knights Chronicle that you have been recruiting and developing ever since the very first day of the game, or enjoy the fun of this event like other new players and make every effort to work your way up to get those characters when the event is still going on.

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Even better than getting Wendy for free, the odds of you getting the Fairy Tail characters are increased compared to the SSR characters which have always been in the game since the beginning. Even so, since they’re SSR characters, the chance to earn one of them is still extremely low. To offset this situation, you can try entering “Erza Scarlet Dungeon Adventure”, a place whose name tells us all about it. In this dungeon you will have to battle against unique content centering the collaboration. Once you make it out of the dungeon alive, you will receive a 4-star SSR character - Erza Scarlet - for your own.

These five new characters from the guild of Fairy Tail take part in a cast which has already sported around 100 distinctive heroes, each of whom has their very own story beats, characterization and also dialogue. Naturally, they all have a unique set of skills as well as their own growth patterns. On the other hand, the characters from Fairy Tail have highly superior attributes and also a viable set of skills which cooperate very well to one another. Which means, when your team has more of them, you will be stronger. They will still be able to fit in nicely with a team containing mostly of old characters, but you will need to find out precisely the best teammate for them to reveal their best performance.

The five Fairy Tail characters that are coming to the game

Knights Chronicle is a kind of turn-based 3D role-playing game which has an enormous and deep storyline with hundreds of characters, massive dungeons awaiting for you to explore, and countless powerful enemies to defeat. Since the storyline is full of fantasy; Fairy Tail’s joining in the game fits in like a match made in heaven. The characters from Fairy Tail are also very useful in both live co-op and PvP mode, offering you as well as your friends a chance to make a test on their mettle in any kinds of different team builds and strategies.

This can be considered as a massive event, crossing a long-term and widely popular anime with a mobile role-playing game which has received praise from more than a million players, along with the team at Google Play. However, such a thing like this has, in fact, happened many times. Therefore, there will hardly be any changes because of it. But it is noticeable as there are very few collaborations that use the Fairy Tail team. So maybe if it can draw in new players and get the old players out of their hiatus, there will be a high chance to see smiling faces of the Fairy Tail characters in many different kinds of anime-based games on the Play Store.