Making a digital version of board games is very common now and we love that. Some games like Monopoly, Coup, Small World 2 are very popular on the App Store and Google play. Acknowledging that, publishers Alderac Entertainment Group decided to bring the famous board game Cat Lady to mobile.

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The game sticks to its physical version so the gameplay doesn’t change. In Cat Lady, you will play as, well, a cat lady, and your main goal is to collect everything related to cats, like toys, catnip, food, costumes and lovely cats to gain points. Players with the highest points will win the game. However, you should remember to feed your cats or you will lose them. Therefore, you shouldn’t take more cats if you are not capable of feeding them.

Nomad Games Launches Popular Card Game Cat Lady On

Cat Lady is really a fun game which is suitable for 14 years old and above. The game doesn’t have many rules to remember, which makes players feel relax when playing. In addition, the length of one match is short (about 30 minutes) so if you don’t have much spare time, don’t worry, it is still enough to complete one match. That is the reason why many people love this game. Moreover, the artwork is also very adorable and sweet. Be careful or you will be distracted by it!

Can you resist this cutie?

Another thing that makes this virtual version of Cat Lady attractive is that players can play with their friends or other people around the world. Definitely, you won't feel lonely with Cat Lady. Moreover, if you want to train yourself, you can practice against a computer opponent that is arranged by an AI. There are 3 levels of difficulty to choose.

Cat Lady is now available to download on the App Store for only $1.99. Not so costly for a very cute and funny game.