It was the year 2016 when Netflix first set their foot in India. The company was aiming to change the outlook for content consumption in this country as well as in Southern Asia. At that time, more and more people were using the streaming service from their mobile devices and Netflix acknowledged that.

Netflix first entered India 2 years ago.

According to research findings from The Star, a Malaysian newspaper, the firm is an experiment with a new membership plan that is for mobile and requires half the price. Cameron Johnson is the product innovation director of Netflix. In July, he stated that 60% of its users across the globe visit the site at least 1 time per month on the mobile app to enjoy a movie or show. Thus, it makes sense that the company makes the certain move.

More and more users are browsing the streaming service with their smartphones.

As a matter of fact, it is true that Netflix has been targeting customers in countries like India. Why? Because regions like this have very limited Wi-Fi access and data plans are relatively expensive for purchase. Hence, the company launched a feature solely for that reason. The new plan let subscribers download some particular content on their mobiles for later offline uses.

All and all, users watching Netflix more often on mobile phones rather than on PCs or laptops will benefit more from this subscription plan. And for half of the regular fees, users favoring mobile devices will definitely take this chance and subscribe.

The new mobile-Only Subscription plan will save a lot of money for mobile users.

As for now, users in India are paying between 500 Rupees and 800 Rupees per month. However, the subscription for mobile-only cost only around 250 Rupees. Crossing the fingers, we hope Netflix will soon introduce the plan for all train & taxi bingers here in India.