After all the wait, the first season of Apex Legends has finally arrived. This season one – named Wild Frontier – will bring to the player a new character – Octane – and the battle pass for the game. For more about the patch notes of the first season, check here.

Octane Apex Legends
Octane will feature in the first season of Apex Legends

However, shortly after the hype for Apex Legends battle pass fades away, the players start showing disappointments for the battle pass. As they have spent some time reading carefully about the challenges and the rewards for the battle pass of season one, many Apex Legends gamers pointed out that this battle pass did not meet their expectation.

Many of these complaints addressed that this battle pass’ content do not bring enough entertainment for the players: too many badges and tracker rewards but not many legendary skins at high levels of the battle pass. And if you take a closer look, a lot of the character and weapon skins were quite uninteresting, with plenty of browns and dark greens color. Some players even pointed out that the challenges in this season 1 battle pass are not as challenging as those in Fortnite.

Apex Legends Battle Pass Skins
The first 3 skins for any battle pass buyers are a bit dark actually

If you are still not sure why this incident rises, the meme below will tell you the reason why:

However, Respawn Entertainment once again has proved that they are a great developer who knows how to listen to their players. Shortly after releasing the first season changes and the patch notes for the first season, Respawn Entertainment has also published a blog – named Battle Pass Season 1 Philosophy – to further explain about the season 1 battle pass.

The above reference in the blog for a quest mentioning in the blog is likely a gentle comparison to Fortnite’s quests in its battle passes. It’s impossible to say exactly the challenges in each game are too hard or too easy for players. However, with this explanation of Respawn Entertainment, perhaps we can still keep our hopes up for battle passes in the next seasons of Apex Legends. And by completing this season one battle pass, players can gain high chances for a free battle pass in season two.

It's worth mentioning that the very first Fortnite battle pass was even more terrible, compared to what Epic Games is currently producing for their Fortnite players. In the first battle pass of Fortnite, there were only 70 levels, a few exciting skins, and no additional challenges. Hard to say the first battle pass of Fortnite was thrilling. And it’s highly likely that Respawn Entertainment will do things better than Epic Games in this matter.

Keep your hope high, the season two battle pass will definitely be better