Devotion – a horror game by Red Candle Games developer – is a big hit now. Partly because the game is actually good, but this game is facing some big issues. Chinese gamers have discovered an in-game Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh famous meme.
The poster in questionSince then, all other aspects of this game have been taken into a careful analysis, which has been taken to insult China. The tension has been pushed to a higher level when Chinese players realize Red Candle Games is a Taiwanese developer. This results to the names of two publishers of this game being replaced with Red Candle Games in the game's Steam store page. Moreover, Red Candle Games' official Weibo (a hugely popular Chinese social media website) account was deactivated.
Red Candle Games has been receiving so much criticism that this developer has issued not one, but two statements regarding this matter. The statements are as below:

Devotion is currently in a quite "mixed-up" situation. Many players still enjoy the game and give the game a good review rating, since the game’s release. What truly is the damage for Red Candle Games is the fact that Devotion has been banned in Steam China. The two publishers of the game have withdrawn themselves from this matter, so it is up to Red Candle Games themselves to deal with the refund requests from the fan.
No one would predict this kind of situation for Devotion and Red Candle Games, since the game has received very positive critical and commercial applause. The tension is so high that Red Candle Games decided to pull the game off Steam all over the world and issue a third statement:

Hopefully, after this pull off, the game will be carefully checked and will be released back soon with no more incidents.