Came out just around one month ago, Apex Legends has become the main battle royale game everyone is talking about. Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends reached as many as 50 million downloads from its official release. Basing on such popularity, Mixer – a platform for live-streaming has implemented two brand-new features to make streamers of the game stand out.

Everybody is playing and talking about the new battle royale from Respawn Entertainment: Apex Legends

About Mixer

Unlike Twitch, the giant of the streaming field, Mixer introduces its own streams to highlight users’ streams, called the HypeZone. They only feature streams from a selected number of games to showcase the top streamers in each game in a place. Previously, we only know about their interest in PUBG and Fortnite.

Last Tuesday, Mixer wrote in a blog post that they are in a partnership with Respawn Entertainment as well as EA towards the launch of HypeZone for Apex Legends.

Introducing: Apex Legends HypeZone!

In order to celebrate this release, Mixer is now running a MixPot sweepstakes, handing out a crazy amount of 200,000 Starter Packs for giveaway purposes. Of course, the ones to receive are those who tune in and watch their streams in a week duration.

How HypeZone works in Apex Legends

HypeZone will scan matches to search for what it called “key moments”. From Mixer’s information page, we know that these “key moments” are the tools to choose who to feature. There’s only a few streamers who can meet their list of requirements. These streamers will have the chance to appear on the HypeZone stream of Apex Legends.

New leaderboards feature

Furthermore, Mixer did announce another new feature alongside the Hypezone channel: the Hypezone leaderboards. On such channel, the leaderboards will let users track the kills and wins for top 10 featured streamers on a weekly basis. With this new leaderboard, we understand that Mixer is planning to run weekly competitions and hand out prizes for those on the top of the channel’s charts. Stay tuned since more information about the updates is coming within the next few weeks.