Red Dead Redemption 2 came out last year on PS4 and Xbox One, bringing to players a hell of an adventure into the Wild West. But it isn’t until a year later that PC die-hards can experience the masterpiece on their favorite platform. Now, as the first trailer for the PC version is released, it seems that it is worth the wait.

The trailer only lasts for a minute, but it features lots of graphical enhancements. Rockstar has kept its promise: multiple things will be improved besides the 4K resolution support. From what we can see in the trailer, many effects like global illumination and ambient occlusion are properly remade, creating more realistic lighting. The contrast is also improved, with improved reflections and higher resolution shadows, as the PC version now supports HDR. The draw distance is increased. The frame rate is unlocked. Rockstar also adds and remakes many textures for trees, grass, fur, etc. This version also supports multi-monitoring and ultra-wide aspect ratio. With all these changes coming into play this time, the adventure into the Wild West would be very mesmerizing for the PC players this time.

A more stunning depiction of the Wild West nature.
A more stunning depiction of the Wild West nature.

But the PC version of Red Dead 2 is not just simply an upgraded version in terms of graphics only. It is bringing along new contents to the single-player mode. Those include new items like weapons, horses, and trinkets; two new hideout locations for the Del Lobos gang; two new treasure maps and three new bounty hunter missions.

More toys to play with!
More toys to play with!

Red Dead Redemption 2 is set to come to PC on November 5th. It’s about time that PC players prepare their gears to welcome this much-awaited masterpiece. In case your beloved PC couldn’t meet the game minimum system requirements, don’t be sad because it is also coming to Google Stadia on November 19th.