The debut date of Sunset Overdrive is all-but-confirmed but its pre-order is already live.

Back in May, the Korean rating board unveiled a hint that Sunset Overdrive may come to PC at some point. Rumors have been spreading around since then. Recently, the rumors have gained much stronger evidence, including the show-up of the listing on the ESRB website, the Steam database and the latest is the preorder of Amazon.

Sunset Overdrive's first release

First published exclusively on Xbox One in 2014, Sunset Overdrive became one of the most colorful and distinct games on the market at that time. It was such an anomaly because most of the games back then were set in brown. Insomniac Games, its developer, is a studio with a long history developing exclusives for Sony consoles.

Despite the positive reviews and praises for its visuals, weapons, and slick traversal mechanics, as well as catchy soundtracks and entertaining campaigns, the game seemed to be the most underrated game of this generation. However, it's never too late for Sunset Overdrive to find a home on a new platform to reach a wider audience. 

Overview about Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive is an action-adventure game that takes place in a fantasy world called Sunset City in 2027. In the game, the player acts as an employee of FizzCo, struggling with Overcharge Drinkers (OD). To be specific, FizzCo's products make turn people into OD. Several features like wall-running, zip-lines, grind rails as well as a huge armory are provided to assist the player. Besides, the game also has a cooperative multiplayer mode called Chaos Squad. In that mode, the player teams up with the other 7 players to complete a series of missions.

Amazon listing revealed

According to an Amazon listing, Sunset Overdrive is on track for a 16th November debut, at the price of $19.99. Moreover, THQ Nordic, which has earlier cut a deal to handle Microsoft Studios PC titles on Steam and in boxed editions, will take the role of publisher. It is probably the reason for the delay of a firm announcement. Because Microsoft isn't willing to let others in their zone.

When being asked about the release of Sunset Overdrive, Insomniac President implied that: "You have to ask Microsoft".

During the waiting time, let's take a look at the teaser ushered in the game's Xbox launch back in 2014. If the game makes its debut to PC, the new trailer is probably set in  60fps.