Addiction means a person is incapable of controlling their usage of something that can harm their health. In the modern eras, it is often connected with gambling, alcohol, drugs, smoking, but recently some people have also connected it to video games.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase an analysis of the psychology of video and slot game addiction.

About Slot Game Addiction

Many individuals who are addicted to gambling are specifically addicted to slot machines or playing slots online, which may be their first experience with gambling. The machines appeal to players through their flashy lights, arcade sounds, and the possibility of winning a large jackpot, which can have a psychological impact on the player. Additionally, the small initial investment required to play the game encourages continued play. Despite the temptation of a large jackpot, slot machines are programmed to pay out seldom in order to cover the prize's cost. As a result, the odds of winning on a slot machine are intentionally low. Essentially, this deliberate design draws players to the machine by creating the illusion of chance, only for them to lose because the system is not based on chance.

Furthermore, the machines are often rigged in favor of the operators. For example, the reels may be unbalanced, with more jackpot symbols on some reels than others. Additionally, the reels may be weighted so that low-paying symbols appear more frequently than jackpot symbols. Slot machines generate substantial profits for the operators but may result in significant losses for the players.

About Video Game Addiction

Video game is usually consider as a hobby rather than an addiction. Scientists are still struggling to determine at what point engaging in a hobby becomes an addiction, especially in relation to playing video games. Video games have only been around for about 50 years, and there haven't been much research about its addicting effect.

A lot of discussions were made on whether or not problematic gaming behavior should be classified as an addiction. The World Health Organization added "gaming disorder" to its medical reference book in 2018, while the DSM-5, the American Psychiatry Association's manual, did not. Currently, gambling is the only "activity" recognized as a possible addiction in the DSM-5.

Some experts contend that labeling people who simply have a strong passion for gaming as addicts is ineffective. They all agree, however, that the percentage of players who actually meet the criteria for video game addiction is quite low.

Experts suggest asking yourself specific questions to identify if you have a video game addiction. These include: Does playing video games affect key aspects of your life, such as relationships, employment, or education? Have you changed from enjoying games to feeling the need to play them? Are you maybe utilizing gaming to put off more serious problems like depression?

Gambling vs Video Game Addiction

Overall, gambling addiction and video game addiction have many similar qualities and effects on people. Here are some things that they share in common:

A reward system

Both gambling and video game addiction involve a reward system that reinforces behavior. The chance of financial gain is the reward in gambling, but the sense of achievement that comes from finishing levels or other objectives in video games is the reward.

Compulsive behavior

Both gambling and video game addiction can lead to compulsive behavior which compels the person to gamble or play video games, even when that interferes with their daily life.

Negative consequences

Both gambling addiction and video game addiction cost money. They can lead to negative consequences such as financial problems, relationship problems, poor performance at school or work, and even mental health issues.

Triggered by psychological factors

Both of these things can be triggered by various psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, depression, or loneliness. In order to treat, the addicts need to go through therapy, counseling, and support groups.

However, there are quite a few important differences as well. While gambling addiction might bankrupt you and cause legal problems, video game addiction mainly affect the person's health (mental and physical) alongside his social life and productivity. Furthermore, while video game is not yet officially recognized as a disorder, gambling addiction is actually recognized as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

How to control your addiction

Try these advice for both adults and children to limit the amount of time spent gaming:

  • Set time restrictions for play and follow them.
  • To avoid playing late into the night, keep phones and other electronics out of the bedroom.
  • Daily activities should also include exercise. Long periods of sitting and playing will be less harmful to your health as a result.
  • No one is aware of which games are more likely to cause problem gaming. Make sure your youngster is playing only games appropriate for their age for the time being.