The Bussiness Game is the Indian version of Monopoly, a famous board game in the United States. Unlike board games such as Ludo or Snake and Ladder, Business Game's players need a lot of good decision makings in order to win the game. Of course, the luck factor still has a big part in the game but not as much. Apart from the original rules, there are many different variations that you can try, depending on your personal preference.

In this article, we will show you all the basics about how to play Business Game. (This is a guide to how to play Business Game rules in English, you can Google Translate to learn how to play Business Game in Tamil, how to play Business Game in Hindi, how to play Business Game in Telugu).
How To Play Business Game: Basic Rules
The number of players: 2 to 4 players with 1 banker (one player can also play the role of a banker).

- Business Game board.
- A token for each player.
- Money bills (you can just create them by writing numbers on pieces of paper).
- 2 dices.

At the start of the game, each player will be given Rs 15,000. Players take turns to roll the dices. Whoever gets 12 can start moving. Other players remain at the starting place. Players need to go past the starting position (the GO space) once in order to start buying Property. When a player reaches the GO space, they receive Rs 1,500. If a player rolls a double, they can roll one more time.

Players go around the board to make as much money as possible. Players who owe more money than they can afford are out of the game. When the timer runs out, the player who has the most money wins.
There are many different types of space on the board of Business Game, which will trigger different actions when a player land on it.
If a player lands on a city and doesn't/can't buy it, the bank will auction and sell it to the highest bidder. If no player wants to buy it, the Property will stay unsold. The price of each city is written on the board. Normally, buying everything you can when you land on it is how to play Business Game the right way.
When a player land on your property, they will have to pay you rent money. When you own all the cities with the same color, the rent is double. You can build houses on your property to charge more rent. The price of a house varies depending on the property. You must build houses evenly on each property.

The bank has a limited number of houses so if If the bank runs out of houses, players have to wait until another player sells the house back to the bank. If the bank only has one house left and many players want to buy it, the bank can auction it and sell it to the highest bidder.
A player can sell their property to the bank or other players.
Chance and Community Chest
If a player lands on either of these spaces, they draw a card from the corresponding deck and do the action written on the card. Players can get or lose money, move, or even being sent to Jail. There is also a rare "get out of jail free" card. When a player draws this card, they return it to the bottom of the deck after done reading it. You can find all the effects of cards on the playing board.

When a player is sent to Jail, they can't move around the board until they are freed. They can still collect rent, buy houses, participate in auctions, and trade with other players, however. When a player is sent to Jail, their turn end immediately. Here are all the ways for a player to get in Jail:
- When a player draws a card from the Chance or Community Chest deck that read this.
- Rolling 3 double consecutively on the same turn.

How to get out of Jail:
- Roll a double on your next turn.
- Use the "Get of Jail Free" card.
- Pay Rs 200 fine to the bank to be able to move next turn. The player won't get Rs 1,500 when crossing GO the first time after getting out of Jail.
Nothing happens if you land on Jail normally through rolling dices.
Being kept in Prison is not necessarily a bad thing. New players who don't really know how to play Business Game often try to get out of Jail as soon as possible. But in the late game when people have Property all over, staying in Jail can save you from giving rent to other players while still earning more money.
Income Tax
When a player land on this space, they have to pay Rs 200 to the bank.
Club House
When a player land on this space, they have to pay Rs 100 to the banks for using it.
Rest House
Players who land on Rest House will have to skip their next turn.
How To Play Business Game: Conclusion
These are all the basic things you need to know about how to play International Business Game. However, the best way to learn how to play Business Game is still to play it in real-life with your friends and you will get used to things very quickly. It is best to have 4 people a game to make the game more interesting.
>>> Also check out: The Best Ludo Game Download For PC Free - Ludo King Game Download For PC.
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