Whether you’re new to Poker, have dabbled a few times or class yourself as a bit of a Poker connoisseur, there’s never been a better time to refresh your Poker hand knowledge.

With this in mind, we have put together a small guide of the Poker hands you could find yourself holding when you next play Poker.

This could be either physically inside a land-based casino establishment, or virtually when you log on to your preferred casino games website to take a seat at the table.

So, if you’re ready to know more about the top six hands of Poker, read on to find out what your potential future hand is called.

Royal Flush

The most sort after hand in Poker, a Royal Flush, is the strongest hand of them all. A Royal Flush consists of cards 10, J, Q, K and A, all of the same suit.

An example of a Royal Flush is a hand that consists of a Ten of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts and the Ace of Hearts.

Straight Flush

If you have cards of the same suit within your hand, all consecutive in order, but are not the highest of cards like those found in a Royal Flush, your hand will be known as a Straight Flush.

An example of a Straight Flush is a hand that consists of Six of Diamonds, Seven of Diamonds, Eight of Diamonds, Nine of Diamonds and Ten of Diamonds.

Four of a Kind

A hand classed as a Four of a Kind consists of a hand of five cards, where four of the cards are of the same value, but of different suits.

An example of this is a hand that consists of Five of Hearts, Five of Diamonds, Five of Clubs, Five of Spades and Nine of Spades. Four of the five cards hold a value of Five, making the hand Four of a Kind.

Full House

For a hand to be classed as a Full House, your hand will need to consist of three cards of the same value and a pair.

An example of this is a hand that consists of Seven of clubs, Seven of Diamonds, Seven of Hearts, Two of Clubs and Two of Spades. Three cards are of the same value, whilst the remaining two of the hand of five are also of the same value as each other.


For your hand to class as a Flush, you’ll need all five cards to be of the same suit, but they won't need to be in consecutive order.

An example of a hand classed as a Flush is a hand that consists of Five of Diamonds, Six of Diamonds, Nine of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds and Queen of Diamonds.


A straight hand consists of your cards following a consecutive order, but not all in the same suit.

An example of this is a hand that consists of Five of Hearts, Six of Clubs, Seven of Hearts, Eight of Diamonds and Nine of Spades. The numbers are all in order, but they’re all of different suits.


Now you know the top six hands of Poker, will you be playing a hand of Poker any time soon?