Genesis is a new Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) developed by Rampage Games for controllers.  You can check out the trailer of the game below.

The gameplay of Genesis was designed specifically for controllers with intuitive and effective navigation. Into the game, players will be assisted by built-in automation features and other conveniences using the controller such as casting directional skills, blinking and changing between skills and items.

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The game has been optimized for controller

Although MOBA games were meant to be for mouse and keyboard, the developer Rampage Games has managed to create the gameplay system for controller based on the feedback from testers.

But being skillful is not enough, the strategy aspect of the game is also one of the most decisive factors which can either win or lose you the match. Each team will have 5 players and you will have to work together if you want to defeat your opponents and gain new weapons and equipment. The battlefield will change constantly with potential danger lurking around from undulating fissures of geomagnetic storms to the hushed alien landscape.

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The battlefield will bring you some surprises

There are currently 28 heroes in the roster with endless customization options. The game also features a single-player story mode with many things to explore. Another thing is the co-op mode where you and your friend can share the control of one hero.

The game features up to 28 unique heroes

Set in a futuristic world, Genesis has a stunning visual with amazing light and shadow effects. Furthermore, you can experience in-game 3D features using 3D glasses and immerse yourself in the world of Genesis.

Genesis will be coming to PS4 on August 13 in North America and on August 14 in Europe.