KFC – the famous chain of fast-food – just announced that an esports tournament featuring the game Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. This championship will be held with the participation of sixteen content creators of the game. The focus of this tournament is the game’s battle royale mode, “Blackout”. The total prize pool for this tournament is up to £50,000 ($63,700).

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And that is not everything about the prize pool. Competitors of the tournament will have the opportunity to get a Black Card by KFC – a legendary membership card that will exclusively let the holder be able to have free KFC – up to $200 every day – at any KFC in the world. That is certainly a prestigious item, which allows the owner to have access to the near-unlimited portions of the Colonel’s finest. And the best thing about the card is that it will last a lifetime. So unless KFC goes bankrupt, the possessor of the card will never starve. This is without a doubt a very worthy item for anyone, especially gamers.

The first qualifier of the event will start on January 17th, and the next events will take place in the following weeks. The grand finals of the tournament will be on Febuary 24th . In the short video posted by KFC gaming account on Twitter, there has been 15 famous CoD streamers and youtubers detected:

  • Spratt
  • Vikstaar
  • Cyanide
  • Gaz
  • TommyT
  • MiniLadd
  • Marleythirteen
  • Syndicate
  • Terrorizer
  • Daithi
  • PsySin
  • iTemp
  • MrDalekJD
  • Zerkaa
  • CodeNamePizza

The video ends with the logo of KFC and CoD 4 so we can believe that these will be the celebrities joining the championship. The other two things we know about the champion so far is that only players in the UK can take part in and the championship accept no professional players.

Since last year, KFC has become active in the field of esports by holding an event for the youth with ESforce, and later being the sponsor of Royal Never Give Up, - a Chinese organization. KFC Gaming, a Twitter account of KFC, has been established last year with the focus on gamers. The account regularly tweets battle royale games related contents, such as Call of Duty and Fortnite.