The PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 has finished the In-game Qualifiers stage. Participating teams are now waiting to see their result and if they can get into the next stage or not. only 248 teams will be able to move on while the rest will have to try again next time. The In-game Qualifiers stage initially lasted until May 25 but then the due was extended to 27 May.

Yet, lots of teams have already received an email about their placement in the In-game Qualifiers stage on May 25 and caused a lot of confusion for many players. Some emails claimed that the team has qualified for the next stage while some emails claimed that the team has failed.

PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 fake results from spam emails
PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 fake results from spam emails

These emails are obviously just spam emails with no real value at all so players should be cautious. It is not clear why would anyone do this since these things don't really give benefit to anyone. Maybe it was just a prank of some people, but then how can they find out the emails of the participated team in the PUBG Mobile India Series 2020?

Nonetheless, the results of the PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 were announced on May 31 according to PUBG Mobile, not May 25. As for the date of the Online Qualifiers, it hasn't been revealed yet. But it likely that it will happen after the PUBG Mobile Pro League South Asia is done.

The Online Qualifiers might happen after the PUBG Mobile Pro League South Asia is done.

The Online Qualifiers of the PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 will consist of 248 teams from the In-game Qualifiers and 8 invited teams. 48 teams with the highest score and 8 teams with the highest kills from the Online Qualifiers will proceed to the next stage.

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