PUBG Mobile assault rifles are the most popular and versatile weapons. These guns can be used for short, medium, and also long-range combat. M416, AKM, and Beryl M762 are the three most popular AR guns in PUBG Mobile. With the right attachments, these weapons will be more deadly. Check out the best attachments for M416, AKM, and M762 here.

Best Attachments For M416

M416 is the most favorite and popular AR in PUBG Mobile. It’s stable, versatile, and balanced. Moreover, it has 5 attachment slots. With a full set of the best attachments, M416 will be deadly. The best muzzle for M416 is a compensator which helps reduce the vertical and horizontal recoil. Then, you should attach a Quick-draw Extended Mag to increase the capacity as well as the reload speed.

M416 Best Attachments
Best Attachments For M416

The best grip for PUBG Mobile M416 is the vertical grip to reduce the gun recoil. You can also use the half-grip or thumb grip based on the range of combat. You can attach any cope to this gun but a 4x scope is the best choice for medium-range combat. The last attachment slot is for a tactical stock.

Best Attachments For AKM

AKM is a strong 7.62 AR which has a great recoil rate in PUBG Mobile. It has three attachment slots for a muzzle, mag, and scope. The best muzzle for this AR gun must be a compensator to reduce the great gun recoil of AKM. Besides, you need a Quick-draw Extended Mag for a larger capacity and less reload time. You should attach a red dot for close combat and switch to 4x scope for medium-range combat.

AKM has three attachment slots for a muzzle, mag, and scope,

Best Attachments Beryl M762

This AR has three firing modes: single, burst, and full-auto. But this 7.62 AR also has a great recoil rate. So, you also need a compensator to reduce the vertical and horizontal gun recoil. Like two previous ARs, you also need a Quick-draw Extended Mag for this gun. Next, you’d better attach a vertical grip to reduce recoil and make this AR more stable. A red dot is a good choice for short-range combat and a 4x scope would be the best choice for medium-range fights in PUBG Mobile.

Beryl M762 has a great recoil rate