We can safely say that Call of Duty of Activision is among the most well-known game franchises worldwide. That is why people got excited when Tencent announced that it is partnering up with Activision in order to bring this fantastic franchise with a full console/ PC experience to the mobile platform. I tried Call of Duty Mobile a couple of days ago, and, well, one short word to describe the experience I got from about 6 hours with this game over the span of 2 days with numerous multiplayer battles is: Awesome.
How to get Call of Duty Mobile?
Since the beta announcement of the game in China, it has expanded to Canada and Australia and is coming for more countries this year. We don't have any confirmed release date of the title in any other countries yet, but CoD mobile is undoubtedly on its way. If you live in the States, you could also join pre-registration for CoD Mobile, so they will tell you when it launches.
On the other hand, if you are outside of the aforementioned countries where the game is available and cannot wait any longer, then get a VPN software, then head to Canadian Play Store to get this game. However, you will need to stay on the VPN connection while you are playing it. Also, do expect some kinds of lag or delay.
Talking about enjoying CoD, I think that you certainly would prefer to enjoy it on a full-fledged gaming platform, whether it's PS4, PC, or Xbox One. CoD Mobile, understandably, does not measure up in some factors. The graphics will not be as pretty as its console/ PC counterparts. Still, it is pretty good compared to some older games in the franchise that we got in back in the day.

Set the graphics aside, we all know that the main part of CoD Mobile gaming experience is that it is fascinating to play. A few days ago, I got the game working on my phone (it was slow to download due to the VPN). Then I went through the usual tutorial. Then, I started my first match. Immediately, I felt a rush of adrenaline and high energy all over me as I got back to the routine of gunning, running, peeking, finding cover, and generally trying to be alive for as long as possible.
I finished that match as MVP, with 23 kills and zero death on my rack. That was thanks to some knife attacks, predator missile, and UAVs.
I found out that the touch-based control scheme of this game is more responsive than what I expected. However, there were still a few notable kinks which Tencent needs to iron out. On the other hand, you can also quickly hook up a controller or a pair of keyboard and mouse to enjoy the game with more comfort than the on-screen touch controls.
With that out of the door, most people are probably not going to have all the peripherals to do that. And getting them to work with the game is no simple matter either. Moreover, that takes away the "mobile" factor of the whole thing. So we can assume that the majority of players will use the on-screen touch controls to play CoD Mobile. Therefore, Activision and Tencent need to get this control scheme to be as good as possible.
And if you are not happy with the default control layout, you could go to the settings and arrange them to your preferences. Optimizing your control space is crucial to winning in CoD Mobile, especially for players on phones with small screens. It might also be a significant factor in how much fun this title will be for you too.
Leveling up
Moving on beyond the controls, CoD Mobile feels like any other CoD games on other platforms, complemented by elements from newer titles in the franchise. It features stuff such as performance-based character progression: The better you play in a match, the more XP you would get.
That makes me remember about the time I spent chasing levels in Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2, my favorites in the series. I still feel all those excitement each time I booted those games up. And CoD Mobile has brought that experience back to me after such a long time. Not only because of that similarity with the system of character progression, but also with other similar features as well.
But that very same system may become a problem for CoD Mobile players later on in the game because you will have to do a lot of grinding to get specific perks, weapons, items, or other rewards. It might be okay at first because leveling up is easy and quick when you start. However, it will become harder and longer as you progress. In total, you can reach up to level 150 and that's when you will get access to all the rewards, weapons, perks, and items that are available through the leveling system. This would take some time to accomplished.
The point here is that this system gives replay value to the game, and so far we do not feel a strong pay-2-win vibe here. To summarize, the gameplay is quite fun, and the upgrades and weapons unlocking system can be done by playing the game.
Character perks
Character perks also make an appearance with CoD Mobile. The list of perks includes Dead Silence, Ghost, Scavenger, and much more for you to unlock and equip. These things will give you an edge in this game, similar to what weapon upgrades and rewards do.
These unlockable items will keep players trying and playing more matches as they will always want to play better and unlock faster. In short, CoD Mobile truly delivers a fulfilling CoD experience, enough though some of the microtransactions are a bit too aggressive.
For the moment, Call of Duty Mobile is available officially only in Canada, Australia, and China. Therefore the number of players is much limited than what it would be in the next couple of months once it becomes available to other parts of the world - like it plans to be. There will also be many more skilled players in this game, making it harder to get the top spot. However, challenges are what makes the game fun. Be sure to grab the game as soon as it's available globally!