NetEase Games has teamed up with CCP Games developers to launch the sci-fi MMORPG mobile game EVE Echoes in the coming weeks. As projected, both EVE Echoes iOS and Android versions will hit the street in August 2020.

EVE Echoes appears to be a next-gen sandbox MMORPG game for smartphones. The game is based on CCP Games’ EVE Online, which was initially released in 2003 in Europe and North America.

EVE Echoes iOS and Android versions will hit the street in August 2020.

With a massive universe comprising of more than 8,000 solar systems, EVE Echoes provides countless options for players as they can choose a unique path on their own to experience the universe and dive into PvP or PvE battles. The game also comes packed with several side activities like trading, mining, and other things related to the economy in the multiplayer sandbox of New Eden.

During an in-depth press conference with media, the development team mentioned not only the launch date but also a series of information related to the game. For those who are looking forward to the official launch of EVE Echoes, here’s everything you need to know about this game.

New Faction In EVE Echoes iOS - The Yan-Jung

EVE Echoes iOS - The Yan-Jung devotes itself to the balance and harmony of the history, and focus on the path of “becoming one with heaven”.

The Yan-Jung is a novel faction in EVE Echoes. This ancient civilization has been established to beef up the inclusivity and diversity of the EVE universe. The Yan-Jung devotes itself to the balance and harmony of the history, and focus on the path of “becoming one with heaven”.

EVE Echoes iOS - Yan-Jung ships are crafted with smooth surfaces and bronze-like metal.

Yan-Jung ships receive a lot of inspiration from ancient oriental architecture. They are crafted with smooth surfaces and bronze-like metal while the symmetrical designs are responsible for making up the oriental qualities.


Corporations play an irreplaceable role in EVE Online, and now it’s making its way into EVE Echoes through the Open Beta Test.

The developers even spent quite some time introducing Corporations, so you might want to know what they actually are. In fact, EVE Online allows players to collaborate with others and form a team to explore the universe, mine, and so on.

EVE Echoes iOS - Corporations allow players to collaborate with others and form a team to explore the universe, mine, and so on.

With the availability of Corporations, members are able to take advantage of special things, which focus on the optimization and simplification of utility.

Capsuleer Outpost In EVE Echoes

The arrival of the Capsuleer Outpost will be an impressive feature for a lot of players. As its name suggested, brave adventurers will have a chance to venture into the uncertainty of EVE Echoes universe like what they might have thought of.

EVE Echoes iOS - Lone adventurers can independently take up an Outpost and maintain his exploration.

Different from other structures in the space, Capsuleer Outpost is nothing but a private structure. Lone adventurers can independently take up an Outpost and maintain his exploration of the new frontier in the near future. As per developers, additional structures with other functions will also come into service as soon as possible.

Ship SKINs In EVE Echoes

EVE Online fans will feel happy a lot if they still hesitate to switch to EVE Echoes. In fact, the mobile game will offer a multitude of ship skins at launch. With these skins available, players are able to tone up the appearance of any ships they love through tradable licenses.

EVE Echoes will get more ship skins with unique designs.

The iconic classic skin from EVE Online is already integrated into EVE Echoes, and what’s more, EVE Echoes will get more ship skins with unique designs to serve multiple needs.

Easy to Grasp Step-by-Step Tutorials

One of the key priorities of EVE Echoes is user experience as the developers have put many efforts into optimizing the gameplay. During the EVE Echoes iOS Open Beta, they started to collect valuable feedback from players and kept them in check to make things easier for beginners last year. EVE Echoes has already ended its pilot testing as well as tutorials for new players.

CCP Games and NetEase Games also strive for more detailed feedback and fan suggestions to improve the game and add new features as well as functionalities to the game in the future.

Final Thoughts On EVE Echoes

You can pay a visit to Google's Play Store and Apple's App Store and register to be notified once it's ready for installation as soon as possible. Just enter the name of EVE Echoes right into the search bar, click on the button, and wait for the upcoming EVE Echoes iOS download. Please head to EVE Echoes website or Facebook, Twitter pages to get more information about EVE Echoes. Stay tuned!