Free Fire MAX's upcoming big update, OB43, is bringing a bunch of new looks to the Magic Cube store in the game. This store lets players swap Magic Cubes, which they've earned through hard work, for special outfits that used to be only available in Luck Royales. To keep things exciting, Garena switches out some old outfit sets with new ones each time there's an update.
Leakers who are known for reliable Free Fire info have already spilled the beans on which outfits are joining and leaving in the OB43 update, scheduled for January 24, 2024. This sneak peek helps players decide if they should hold onto their Magic Cubes for the upcoming outfits.
List of bundles in Free Fire OB43 Magic Cube store
Here's a rundown of the new outfits hitting the Magic Cube store in OB43:
- Dawnlit Hitman Bundle
- Dusklit Slayer Bundle
- Doctor Scarlette Bundle
- Doctor Red Bundle
- Nightbloom Slayer Bundle
- Lotus Blader Bundle
- Ancient Glory Bundle
- Magma Bionicon Bundle
- Lotus Blader Bundle (yes, there are two with the same name)
- [Bundle name not provided]
These outfits cover a range of themes, from doctors with a mysterious vibe to warriors from ancient times. If you're into fashion in the gaming world, these skins might catch your interest.
About Free Fire Magic Cube Store Update
Now, about getting these outfits – the leaked bundles mentioned earlier will be part of the Magic Cube store starting January 24 with the OB43 update. To snag them, players need to have at least 1 Magic Cube, and crafting one requires collecting 100 fragments through various means.

The good news is that several events give out fragments, and Luck Royale jackpots can even reward full Cubes. With a bit of effort, any player has a shot at getting their hands on a coveted Cube costume over time.
So, if any of the leaked outfits seem appealing to you, it's a good idea to save your Magic Cubes for the OB43 release instead of spending them on the current options. In just a few days, a fresh set of outfits will be just a Cube exchange away.
>>>> Read more: Free Fire Dino Ring Event: How To Join And Get The Almost Dino Bundle