With the price tag of just 6.99 dollars (Rs 490), Grimvalor had surprised us when it came out in October 2018 on the iOS platform. Interestingly, the team that has made it happens to also has some members who worked on Swordigo in 2012.  Swordigo was one of the best platformers with Metroidvania-style. So, the developer had decided to take the solid controls and structure of Swordigo and combine it with a dark fantasy theme that looks like something coming out of Dark Soul. The final result is Grimvalor, which was amazing.

In this game, you could perform various combat combos like double jump, mid-air dash... and many more.

Beta testing

However, as good as it could be, the Android users were not happy because since its debut October last year the game has remained an exclusive game for iOS. The developer of the game - Direlight - has actually always wanted to port Grimvalor to Android, so just last month they released an open beta for the Android version of the game on Play Store of Google. Android users could try the game and help the developer to iron the remaining issues out before the official release.

It is quite a long game; you could need to about 15hs to reach the ending of the game. But you might need more than 20h to complete it 100%. But in the end, it'll leave you craving for more.

The game is out, NOW

This is the final boss fight in Grimvalor; you have to go against The Deceiver - Alyssia in a very intense battle.

Then just this week Direlight has officially released the game for free on Play Store. It also contains ads that you can remove by paying  6.99 dollars (Rs 490) via an one-time in-game purchase, the same price as the upfront iOS version. It is among the best smartphone games out there, so don't miss out if you're a fan of the action genre.