Nothing is perfect and so is Call of Duty: Mobile. Apart from a diverse pool of dedicated features and items, the game does have a fair share of less favorable weapons and maps. As we’ve already jotted down some loadouts that simply just suck, here’s another list of most hated and annoying maps in COD Mobile.


Honestly speaking, Tunisia is quite a new map in COD Mobile as compared to others. It’s safe to claim that Tunisia has good-looking visuals, but the size appears to be the biggest trouble for players when they go for Search and Destroy matches on this map. It turns out to be a nightmare once you have to wander around without knowing exactly where to go – nothing but a waste of time.

Tunisia has good-looking visuals, but the size appears to be the biggest trouble for players.


Many of us never choose to step back into Summit after our first try due to several reasons. The brightness of the snow in this map is really, really a challenging obstacle for everyone to get along with, considering that you won’t be able to approach and notice the enemies on the mountainside comprising of twists and turns around the corners, which also make you fall prey to sneaky campers hopelessly as you cannot catch them in the act.

The brightness of the snow in this map is really, really a challenging obstacle for everyone to get along with.


Standoff is highly appreciated in the Call of Duty series, but only when it comes to the original version. Things got worse when the map made its own way to COD Mobile version due to the death rate of players – no joke, camping foes can land some shots onto your body or even head with ease, and you have nowhere to hide from grenade explosions.

In Standoff, camping foes can land some shots onto your body or even head with ease.


Hijacked is another telling example for the harsh reality that you should not expect too much or judge something just because of its greatness not being translated over to another version at all. Hijacked might have gained a lot of reputation among the COD community, nevertheless, you’ll just run around the map with an SMG and try to gun down somebody who’s doing the same.

In Hijacked, you’ll just run around the map with an SMG and try to gun down somebody who’s doing the same.