We first reported on Meteorfall: Krumit’s Tale back in June, which is a sequel to the excellent card-based RPG Meteorfall: Journey from developer Slothwerks. Krumit’s Tale is set in the same universe as its predecessor and includes many of the same characters.

Meteorfall: Krumit’s Tale is a follow-up to the excellent card-based RPG Meteorfall: Journey

The gameplay, meanwhile, also follows the same formula set by Journey, but it has made several improvements to expand the experience. The most noticeable one is that instead of the old binary action system in which you only have 2 options every time you draw a card, Krumit’s Tale uses a grid system that gives you a lot more options each turn. That means the game is now deeper and more complex than ever. Check out its cinematic trailer below:

Unlike Meteorfall: Journey, Krumit’s Tale will also be available on PC in addition to mobile.  It will, in fact, be released first on Steam before making its way to Android and iOS. It’ll still be quite a while before we can get our hands on the full game, though – probably next year at the earliest.

The game is still a long way off

The good news is, Slothwerks has said that it will be launching the game into Steam Early Access this fall. A closed alpha test is also set to kick off next week. Although this will be mainly for the PC version, some Android and iOS users will also be selected to participate as well. If that sounds interesting to you, then you can follow this link to apply to become a tester. If you are selected, a notification email will be sent to the address that you used to register, so be sure to check it regularly.

Meanwhile, if testing is not your thing, then we’ll be sure to keep you updated on the development process of Meteorfall: Krumit’s Tale, so don’t forget to stay tuned.