WeGame is a free companion app of PUBG Mobile in India, available for free on Google Play Store. In a new giveaway event, PUBG Mobile is giving away an outfit, an outfit box and a crate to every player with WePlay app connected to their PUBG Mobile account.

This app is a most useful piece of technology that you can use to boost your PUBG to run faster, track your PUBG scores and stats, view your stats for the whole season and even connect to your friends’ profile. To those who are not informed, WeGame for PUBG Mobile is an app made by Tencent which allows gamers to interact with other fellow PUBG Mobile gamers - a community platform of sorts. It is absolutely a must-have app for any PUBG player. The app was introduced in April this year but hadn't been getting any attention despite the big amount of free goodies.

Now let’s get to the main topic of this article: How to get the free goodies.

List of the WePlay app rewards:

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Free goodies from the Weplay Apps

Godzilla's Carapace - PUBG Crate Coupon - Outfit Box III

You can get all these items by doing the steps listed below:

After installation, grant all the permissions to the app then log in, via either guest login or facebook.

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Godzilla's Carapace

After signing in, go to the chat section in the bottom bar, select the message from PUBG Buddy about this event and open it.

Select Free Gift on the bottom right corner  - after this, you will be asked to link your PUBG Mobile profile to the WeGame app.

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Connect your account to the App

After linking your profile a banner will appear in which you can claim your rewards. The prizes are limited and given out on a first come first serve basis -  you will have to link your account ASAP if you wish to redeem the free gifts.