The Weapon Royale is where players can get the latest weapon skin released by Free Fire. The Weapon Royale rotate every once in a while with a brand new skin and every Free Fire player is thrilled to know what is coming.
So according to leaks, in the next Weapon Royale in Free Fire, we are going to have a UMP skin, the UMP Wilderness Hunter. You can check out the promotion video of the UMP Wilderness Hunter below.
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Next Weapon Royale In Free Fire - UMP Wilderness Hunter Review
The UMP Wilderness Hunter skin is going to give the weapon 2 buffs on Armor Penetration and one buff on the Rate of Fire. In return, the weapon will have its Reload Speed reduced by a little bit.

The UMP is among one of the few weapons in Free Fire that have Armor Penetration and this skin is going to buff it even more. The second buff even improves the Rate of Fire of the UMP, which is already high. The reduced Reload Speed barely affects the performance of the weapon.
In short, you can totally expect the UMP Wilderness Hunter will be one of the best UMP skin in the game because of the values it is going to offer. Even if your opponent is wearing a Level 4 Vest, it is not going to matter with this insane amount of Armor Penetration. If you are a hardcore fan of the UMP then you better save up your Diamonds and Weapon Royale Vouchers now!!
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