News coming from Chen San-yuan, a well-known 70-year-old Pokemon Go master that he has recently doubled the number of phones he uses to raid pokemon on Taiwanese streets.

Many phones while riding a bike

How Chen does it

I am sure that anyone of you who have tried to play Pokemon Go already knows how hard it is to keep up with 2 or 3 accounts when going out on a raid or going to the gym. But believe it or not, there is a grandpa in Taiwan who could handle up to 21 phones AND riding a bike at the same time. In 2018, Chen San-yuan a 70-year-old Taiwanese Pokemon Go player has made the headline with 11 phones he carries with his bicycle. Now, it seems that Chen has doubled that amount of phones.

The Pokemon master’s passion for Pokemon Go began in 2016 because his grandson showed the game to him. Now Pokemon hunting activity is the way that Chan uses to keep his mind and body active. I am sure that 21 accounts while riding a bike will surely keep him very active. So this is how he does it.

He attaches all the phones in his handlebars and when he found an interesting pokemon, he would stop and tap all of the phones up. He is just like playing an orchestral in the church. From a video from SCMcrocodile on Twitter, we have a clip of Chen with his 21 phones when he stopped on the road to tap them. Even though in the video, there are just 21 phones but actually, there are also two other phones in the bike's basket.

Chen is having fun

But according to the rule of Pokemon Go, only 20 people can go on a single raid at the same time, so technically Chen couldn't use all of his phones at once. However, it doesn't really matter as long as he is having fun though.

If you are also a Pokemon Go player and you might be want to know that Niantic developer has released an update that Dialga will be the next Legendary Pokemon in this month starts at 1 pm PT on March 1 and will end on March 28th.

Pokemon GO is available on iOS and Android.