PUBG Mobile, the mobile version of the battle royale game PlayerUnknown's Battleground, is the most popular mobile game of 2018. Every day, the game witnesses millions of players logging in to get some chicken dinners. Now, with the announcement of Google Play’s Best of 2018 a few days ago, PUBG has bolstered its popularity even more by winning the “Best Game of 2018” and the “Fan Favorite Game” awards. Furthermore, it also occupies one of the five spots for “Most Competitive Titles”, alongside Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Dragon Ball Legends, Realm War, Badland Brawl, and Asphalt 9.

In the past couple of months, PUBG Mobile has contributed a huge part in changing people’s perspective on mobile gaming. With two major competitions, PUBG Mobile Star Challenge and PUBG Mobile Campus Championship, the game has demonstrated to the gaming community that mobile is an entirely legit and serious gaming platform and not just for casual gamers.

PUBG Mobile has seen a couple of major tournaments

After winning the awards, PUBG Mobile posted a tweet on its official Twitter account thanking its fans all across the globe for making it all possible. Additionally, as a token of gratitude for the support of players, it has announced a giveaway event in which players can get $2 worth of in-game credits for free. This giveaway is supposed to be available for Android players in the US only. However, on several Indian PUBG Mobile forums, players have come up with a way to get these free credits outside of the US as well.

So, if you are living in India but still want to get the credits, you could try the following steps:

  1. Clear all data of Google Play Store.
  2. Install Turbo VPN from the Play Store.
  3. Open Turbo VPN and connect to the US server.
  4. Open Play Store and head to the Best Games of 2018 section to claim the credits.

For a visual demonstration, watch the video below:

Note that this method might not work for some. However, it doesn’t hurt to try, so head to the Play Store and see if you can get the rewards! If you do, keep in mind that the credits have an expiration date, so make sure to redeem the prize before that.