The Free Fire Factory Challenge is a very popular customizable challenge in the game. In this challenge, two players would duel to the death on the Roof of the Factory in Bermuda, using only fists and melee weapons. With the challenge mechanics being super limited, picking up the right character is the key to win the match.

In this article, we would list out the top 5 characters to win the Free Fire Factory Challenge 2021.
1 - Kla
With players being restricted to only using melee weapons or fists in this challenge, Kla is probably the best character for the job. His ability would quintuple the damage of each punch... and moving around unarmed would be much faster than holding a weapon.

2 - Hayato Firebrand
Hayato Firebrand's Art of Blade is probably the active ability you need to have in this challenge. If the enemy is foolish enough to attack you while Art of Blade is active, they would deal next to no damage.

3 - Alok
Alok's Drop the beat is useful in all circumstances. The heal would get you extra HP in a long, drawn-out fight, while the speed would let you run circles around your foe. The only problem is that it is an active ability - pick Hayato Firebrand's skill instead.

4 - Antonio
Extra HP is always useful, and in this Factory Challenge, you would need all the HP you could get. With Antonio's passive equipped, you would begin the round with 235 HP instead of just 200. This extra HP might be the difference between victory and defeat.

5 - Joseph
Joseph's passive would trigger every time you take damage, giving you 20% movement speed in 1 second. This ability is pretty much designed for this challenge, as you can quickly retreat and attack your enemy with the extra movement speed.

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