Monster Viator is the newest RPG offering from Kemco, who has been responsible for tons of titles in this genre already. The game is set to come soon to Android and is already available for pre-registration right now if you are interested.
Kemco’s games generally focus on one or a couple of major touted features, and with Monster Viator, that's monsters to fight for you in battles. In this game, you’ll play as a young man named Culter who has somehow lost all recollection of his past. All he remembers now is that he possesses the power to talk with animals. As Culter embarks on a journey to retrieve his memories, he happened to meet Aira, a young shepherd who also has the ability to communicate with monsters, but by using a harp.

Together, the duo will be able to collect 25 different types of monsters to fight alongside them in turn-based battles. Moreover, the game claims that you’ll get to develop emotional ties with these monsters throughout the game. It is unclear whether this will affect the gameplay or if it’s just for the sake of the story. We’ll have to wait and see. The developer also promises several other game systems, but details on those are scant at the moment.

From the screenshots available, it can be seen that the monsters you have befriended will loyally follow you as you travel across the overworld, which is a nice thing to see no doubt. If you are bored of Pokémon Sword & Shield or the likes, then this might be a good alternative that offers at least a little bit of fresh air.

Monster Viator is currently available for pre-registration on the Google Play Store. There is no information on the monetization model just yet, but games of this type are usually free-to-play with IAPs included, so we have no reason to expect otherwise from this one.
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