Finding all the best fantasy movies in the history of cinema would be a huge job and as pretentious as composing any individual list. Looking for the best available from a streaming provider like finding the top 5 fantasy movies on Netflix is better, but it's still a task that will never have a 100% happy ending.

Top 5 Fantasy Movies On Netflix To Spend Your Relaxing Afternoon With

And there is an especially major problem when trying to list top 5 best fantasy movies in this way: identifying the movies. When it comes to fantasy, everything takes on other proportions, because messing with the imaginary is almost sacred and cannot be replicated.

After all, having a top 5 fantasy films list is an indication, not a declaration. Instead of declaring exactly what qualifies as the best or better than their counterparts, the movies cited and briefly reviewed below serve as indications for those who have not watched them or for those who would like to watch them again.

It is obvious that, within the Netflix catalog, you can find just as good or even better movies according to your taste. The quality of these top 5 fantasy movies will depend on subjective issues of the imaginary and on personal taste, which can be quite diverse.

Without further delay, let's look at this top 5 fantasy movies 2020 list you can find on Netflix:

Top 5 Fantasy Movies on Netflix to Spend Your Relaxing Afternoon With

5. Maleficent (2014)

When it was released in 2014, Maleficient was an underrated movie. One of Disney's first forays into live-action reboot territory, it deviated from the typical Sleeping Beauty fairy tale narrative. Its sequel, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (which is not yet on Netflix) went even further astray, as the original story was completely ditched to tell a unique story.

One of the great feats of the movie is that it took risks. So far, Disney has released nearly a half dozen live-action remakes, and their paint-by-numbers formula has made them suffer in artistic credibility.

The story of a new breed of dark fairy tales, mixed with the origins of one of Disney's most famous villains (played to perfection by Angelina Jolie), combined with a message of loving others despite prejudice, has created one of the top 5 adventure fantasy movies from Disney you can find on Netflix.

4. A Monster Calls (2016)

J.A. Bayona is a director of creating moments of singular intensity. Nothing, however simple, passes through your eyes without leaving mental residues. Dark fairy tales, like A Monster Calls, in this sense, become so intense that the emotional weight dominates the whole result.

The drama here, then, ends up having some difficulty in finding audiences, given the layers far beyond the superficial, which can keep younger children away. Still, it is a moving film that understands depression like few others and is impossible to forget entirely. A worthy entry on this top 5 fantasy movies list on Netflix.

3. Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Still a little girl, Alice Kingsleigh visited a magical place for the first time and had no memories of the place except in her dreams. At a party of the nobility, the young woman sees a white rabbit. Alice follows him and falls into a hole, ending up in a strange world of Wonderland. There, she meets characters that were kept in her memory that visited them in her dreams.

The sequel, though available on Netflix also, doesn't quite make the list.

2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

Epic without showing off its grandeur, intimate when it needs to be, and surgically directed by an extremely lucid Peter Jackson, The Return of the King is one of the most monumental movies in the history of cinema, let alone one of the top 5 fantasy movies on Netflix.

It is preceded by two other works that only magnify it even more. The Lord of the Rings is probably among the five best trilogies ever made.

1. Pan's Labyrinth

Guillermo del Toro manages to unite reality and fantasy in a movie of an imaginative richness so strong that it ends up ushering the genre into being. Pan's Labyrinth does not depend on fantasy or the real world, the understanding of the movie depends on itself.

It is a work with so much impact, so much visual and narrative power that, once watched, it will hardly be forgotten. As much as we try to remember, nothing can be stronger than a story well told and in the most extraordinary way that anyone could do.

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