According to a recent statistic, X-Men: Dark Phoenix - the last movie in the X-Men series produced by Fox Film Corporation - is recognized as the most failed movie project in terms of revenue in 2019.

The Deadline has recently listed a series of movies that posted the worst losses in 2019, even after producers sold the film rights. Accordingly, X-Men: Dark Phoenix unluckily held the first spot in this list.
Although Fox spent up to $200 million to make it, the last movie of the X-Men series gained the worldwide gross at only $252 million from the box office. That means after considering marketing expenses, the total loss of this project reached up to $133 million.
However, it doesn’t take a big surprise as Dark Phoenix’s film-makers had lots of difficulties during the production. Its release date was changed at least twice. In addition, the plot is also another issue: the whole story doesn’t seem to bring any breakthrough for the old story of Dark Phoenix that was mentioned in the X-Men: The Last Stand movie (2006).

That’s not all. The blockbuster Avengers: Endgame is obviously a huge monument that makes audiences unable to put their interest in another superhero film with low quality like X-Men: Dark Phoenix. It can be undeniable that a failure surely said hello to Fox’s movie since it was scheduled to hit screens after Avengers: Endgame.
The second spot in the Deadline’s blockbuster tournament is Terminator: Dark Fate. The newest movie of the Terminator franchise made Paramount Pictures lose up to $122 million. Before that, the movie earned the gross at only $261 million from the worldwide box office while its production budget was $200 million.
In spite of not being criticized as the Dark Phoenix, the Terminator: Dark Fate got a failure to draw audiences’ attention. Even the return of well-known actress Linda Hamilton starring as Sarah Connor couldn’t bring success to this film. Poor for the Terminator: Dark Fate.

The next spot in the list belongs to the disaster movie Cats produced by Director Tom Hooper with the losses of $113 million, and the action movie Gemini Man featuring big star Will Smith with the losses of $111 million. Both of these movies get lots of criticism about content and images.
Another disaster movie that unfortunately falls into this list is Missing Link. Although it won the best-animated feature at the Golden Globe Awards 2020, Laika’s product still made investors lose more than $100 million.