During the 1970s and 1980s, the surge in popularity of cyberpunk games paralleled the cultural fascination with technological advancements and the speculative possibilities of the future. Over time, the cyberpunk theme transcended its origins in movies and permeated the realm of video games, captivating the interest of players.

A plethora of cyberpunk titles now exists, delving into futuristic, technologically-driven urban landscapes through various mediums such as RPGs and visual novels. The abundance of options makes it challenging to identify a singular standout, underscoring the excellence of these cyberpunk games as some of the finest choices for players seeking immersive experiences.

1. Cyberpunk 2077

Not acknowledging Cyberpunk 2077 would be remiss when discussing the finest cyberpunk games. Despite its initially rocky launch, CD Projekt Red has successfully transformed Night City into a locale that numerous players find enticing to revisit.

Cyberpunk 2077

In the game, players assume the role of a mercenary facing peril, with a charismatic rock star-turned-terrorist threatening to seize control of the player's mind. Cyberpunk 2077 stands out as a first-person shooter RPG, boasting an engaging narrative and an expansive world ripe for exploration. Progressing through the main quests and accruing experience points enables players to level up, unlocking additional skills within the game.

2. Ghostrunner

For those who relish dynamic combat and extensive parkour elements, Ghostrunner stands out as another lively cyberpunk action game that has already captivated a sizable audience. Adopting a first-person perspective, players are tasked with navigating the urban landscape through parkour while fending off attacking enemies and dodging gunfire. In this expansive cyberpunk setting, players embody an advanced blade fighter enhanced by cybernetics, adding to their strength.


Despite the fast-paced action, a moment of observation unveils a neon city teeming with intricate details often overlooked by players. Assuming the role of Jack in Ghostrunner, players can leverage his unique abilities, including dashing, sliding, and wall-running, essential skills for both combat effectiveness and progression in the game.

3. System Shock 2

System Shock 2, a classic first-person shooter RPG, stands as another exemplary title. Building on the success of the original System Shock, the second installment in the series continued to captivate players. Diverging from the other games mentioned, System Shock 2 transforms the cyberpunk genre into a chilling science fiction horror experience.

System Shock 2

Referred to by many as techno-horror, System Shock places technology as the monstrous force. The narrative seamlessly integrates with the cyberpunk theme, exploring the takeover by artificial intelligences and the cybernetic implants embedded within the player. In System Shock 2, players assume the roles of soldiers entrusted with halting the spread of a genetic infection that has ravaged the spacecraft.

4. Deus Ex

Debuting in the early 2000s, Deus Ex stands as an iconic masterpiece within the cyberpunk genre, earning acclaim not only for its captivating narrative but also for its excellence as a role-playing game. Set in the year 2052, players step into the shoes of JC Denton, an unaugmented newcomer to the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition. Denton is entrusted with the mission of confronting terrorist cells and uncovering the mysteries surrounding a nano-virus known as the Gray Death.

Deus Ex

Beyond the enthralling storyline filled with choices, players are entranced by the meticulously crafted world of Deus Ex. Drawing inspiration from real-life locations and actual conspiracy theories, the game's futuristic setting reveals these once-speculative ideas as part of its gripping reality.

5. Cloudpunk

Players seeking a more laid-back cyberpunk gaming experience need not search beyond Cloudpunk. In this game, players assume the role of a semi-legal delivery service operative responsible for delivering packages to citizens throughout Nivalis. As they navigate this task, players are discouraged from inquiring about the contents of the parcels, focusing instead on completing each assignment and solving puzzles in the world of Nivalis.


Encountering a diverse cast of characters, from typical residents to sophisticated AIs, players have the opportunity to shape the narrative with lasting consequences. Every choice they make holds the potential to impact the city they explore in distinct ways.

6. Gunpoint

Gunpoint is a puzzle platformer with a focus on stealth, where players assume the role of Richard Conway, a freelance spy with a futuristic twist assigned to infiltrate 2D buildings for different clients. In Gunpoint, players juggle the cyberpunk roles of both a hacker and a spy.


As the game unfolds, players find themselves unjustly accused of a crime they didn't commit, leading them to commit other offenses to unravel the truth about the actual culprits. The game's humor, evident in its absurd scenarios, is further accentuated by a narrative delivered through text messages.

7. Stray

In recent years, player fascination with dystopian cities has endured. This adventure game, casting players as a cat striving to ascend to the surface, unveils a world dominated by robots. The absence of human presence raises questions about the purpose of this subterranean city, concealed from the sunlight observed by the players.


As the game unfolds, players navigate the challenge of evading the antagonistic Zurks and Sentinels. While the exploration of this world may constitute a brief adventure, the intellectually stimulating narrative of this cyberpunk tale is poised to imprint a lasting impression on the player.

8. Katana Zero

The genre of action-packed and fast-paced games remains the most widely embraced category within the realm of cyberpunk-themed gaming. Katana Zero, a pixel graphics game, presents players with a challenge to navigate a swiftly moving and perilous cyberpunk world. As participants engage in this 2D platformer, they assume the identity of Subject Zero, a character endowed with psychic powers but grappling with amnesia.

Katana Zero

Despite the breakneck pace of traversing through this platformer, where the threat of instant death looms, finding a moment to appreciate the pixelated background is a challenging endeavor. Nevertheless, Katana Zero distinguishes itself as a game marked by meticulous attention to detail, offering players glimpses into a past that is intertwined with the precarious future. In this 2D platformer, players once again step into the shoes of Subject Zero, an amnesiac wielding psychic abilities.

>>> Read more: Ranking All Deus Ex Games From Best To Worst