It's a tradition that annually, studios all over the world will celebrate April 1st by impressing their players with some great updates or special events for their games. Some even choose to create whole new web games to make it more exciting. While there are a lot of memorable DLCs and games over the years, we will breakdown every of this year's significant pranks and events.

Binging with Babish: Brock's Donuts from Pokémon

There's a famous Youtube channel called Binging with Babish of which video content is related to recreating entertainment elements from TV and games. This April Fools Day, he decided to make a donut similar to Brock's jelly donut in Pokémon. If you wonder how this unique donut taste like, watch Babish's video:

LoL Epic New Cats VS Dogs skin

Alongside new cats and dogs skins for certain champions, LoL also announced some new cute icons, borders, and many bundles for you to buy. Check them out.

Nintendo Direct: Everything coming to Switch

IGN apologized for making a phony Nintendo Direct for this year's April Fools Day to raise people's hope and then quickly shut it down. Nevertheless, it's still a fun video to watch so why not?

SMITE Lore Lady is coming back

Also, she voices everything in the video by SMITE. Check out for yourself in their video for April Fools Day:

Capcom hires new zombies

Capcom announced that they were recruiting new zombies since their zombie population has dropped significantly after a death toll of nearly 800 million after a few months. You can apply for this special job. As of now, they confirmed that over 400 thousand new zombies have been recruited.

Pokemon Go Features Ash-hat Pikachu

During the special event, a Pikachu which wears an Ash's hat will replace the normal Smeargle to photobomb when you play Pokemon Go. Try it and you may like it.

Pokemon Go Ass Hat Pikachu Catch Screens
Ash-hat Pikachu in Pokemon Go

Rabbids invade For Honor

For Honor Rabbid

For 24 hours only, the Rabbids were taking over For Honor in a special event.

Capcom site's shooting game

During April Fools, people accessing Capcom's site found a temporary game called World President Challenges a Shooting Game.

Capcom Game

Nintendo Kirby and Qbby swap body

During April Fools, people found that Kirby became square on his website, while Qbby took on his traditional appearance and became round

Square Kirby

Round Qbby

Landfall Game Release TABS

TABS or Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, which has been anticipated since 2016, was announced to be released by Landfall Game in April Fools. And no surprise, it was just a prank.

DOOM artistic experience

DOOM tweeted a picture of a weird painting scene, saying it is a new experience for the artist inside everyone.

Mike Inel's new game

Youtube channel Mike Inel published a video featuring a new mobile game called Splatoon Island, which was promising to be very fun and euphoric.

Wykrhm Reddy about Dota

In his Tweet on April Fools, famous Reddy claims that the game will support dynamic transformations with Silencer to be the first character to experience. According to him, Silencer's brain will now grow as he gains more intelligence. Enemies who lose intelligence will find their heads shrinking.

Reddy Dota

Yakuza turns into a turn-based JRPG game

A new video published on Youtube features how it is if Yakuza was a turn-based JRPG game.

Final Fantasy XIV features Omega as a home assistant

Final Fantasy XIV Youtube channel uploaded a video showing what it's like to have a home assistant like Omega - the game's powerful boss.