Apex Legends, a groundbreaking battle royale game, has captivated millions with its unique blend of fast-paced action and strategic gameplay. As a beginner in this vibrant world, selecting the right weapon is not just about firepower but also about ease of use, adaptability, and learning curve. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the arsenal of Apex Legends and choose weapons that will set you up for success.

Best Weapons for Beginners in Apex Legends

Understanding the Weapon Tier System

Before diving into specific weapons, it's essential to grasp the weapon tier system in Apex Legends. This system categorizes weapons into different tiers based on their effectiveness and usability in the current metagame:

S-Tier: The cream of the crop, offering the best performance.

A-Tier: Excellent choices, versatile and powerful.

B-Tier: Solid options that perform well in most situations.

C-Tier: Decent, but overshadowed by superior choices.

D-Tier: Least preferred, often only used out of necessity.

Top 10 Beginner-Friendly Weapons

Each of the weapons in Apex Legends has its unique characteristics and suits different playstyles and combat situations. As you grow in the game, experimenting with these weapons will not only enhance your skills but also help you understand which weapons you're most comfortable with. 

1. EVA-8 Auto Shotgun

The EVA-8 Auto is a dream come true for newcomers. Its forgiving nature, due to a wide spread and rapid fire rate, makes it a formidable weapon at close range. The shotgun works splendidly for players still honing their aim, and its effectiveness is enhanced with attachments like the shotgun bolt. It's also versatile, allowing for aggressive play styles, as it can be fired while sliding or running.

2. R-301 Carbine

A shining star among rifles, the R-301 Carbine stands out for its adaptability. Suitable for medium to long-range encounters, it also packs a punch in close combat. The weapon is distinguished by its rapid fire rate and swift reload speed, making it an obvious choice for novices. With attachments like the Barrel Stabilizer and Extended Light Mag, the R-301 becomes even more formidable.

3. Volt SMG

The Volt SMG is a lightweight, fully automatic energy weapon, perfect for close to medium-range combat. Its fast reload speed and decent magazine size, coupled with an easy-to-manage recoil, make it a great choice for beginners. The Volt SMG is also compatible with attachments like Optics and Laser Sight, enhancing its performance.

4. VK-47 Flatline

The VK-47 Flatline rifle is celebrated for its reliability. Excellent for medium and long-range battles, it offers the flexibility of single-fire or auto-fire modes. With a base magazine of 20 and a solid DPS, the Flatline is a popular rifle since the game's inception. Attachments like the Anvil Receiver Hop-Up elevate its effectiveness.

5. Longbow DMR

The Longbow DMR sniper rifle is an excellent introduction to long-range combat for beginners. It stands out for its balanced fire rate and high damage output. Unlike other high-risk snipers, the Longbow offers a forgiving learning curve, making it a preferred choice for those new to sniper rifles.

6. Spitfire LMG

The Spitfire LMG is known for its large magazine size and steady fire rate, making it a great choice for sustained engagements. Its ability to deliver a consistent stream of bullets makes it forgiving for beginners who are still perfecting their aim. The Spitfire excels in medium-range combat but can hold its own in closer encounters as well.

7. Peacekeeper

A shotgun with a twist, the Peacekeeper is unique due to its precision choke attachment, which tightens the spread of its pellets. This feature makes it a versatile choice, effective both in close-quarter battles and at a moderate range. Its high damage output compensates for its slower fire rate, making each shot count.

8. Wingman

The Wingman is a high-skill, high-reward pistol that is surprisingly beginner-friendly due to its simple mechanics and high damage output. It's a semi-automatic heavy pistol that rewards precision, offering significant damage with each well-placed shot. The Wingman is effective in both close and medium-range engagements.

9. Mastiff Shotgun

The Mastiff is a powerful shotgun that stands out for its horizontal spread pattern. This unique feature makes it especially deadly in close-range combat. Its ability to deal massive damage with each shot makes it a great choice for beginners who can get close to their enemies.

10. Hemlok Burst AR

The Hemlok operates in burst mode, firing three rounds with each trigger pull. This feature allows for more controlled shots and helps manage recoil, making it a good choice for those new to the game. It's particularly effective in medium-range encounters.

Honorable Mentions from the Tier List

While the above weapons are ideal for beginners, it's worth noting some top-tier weapons that you might aspire to master as you gain experience:

  • S-Tier Weapons: R-99, Kraber .50-Cal, Nemesis AR, alongside the R-301 Carbine and VK-47 Flatline.
  • A-Tier Weapons: Includes the likes of Spitfire, Peacekeeper, Wingman, and C.A.R SMG.

Tips for Weapon Selection and Mastery

  • Play to Your Style: Choose weapons that complement your playstyle. Whether you prefer aggressive close-quarter combat or strategic long-range engagements, there's a weapon for every style.
  • Experimentation is Key: Don't hesitate to try out different weapons in various scenarios. What works for one player might not suit another.
  • Learn the Attachments: Understanding and utilizing weapon attachments can significantly enhance your performance.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Spend time in the training ground to get a feel for each weapon's recoil pattern, fire rate, and handling.
  • Keep Up with Updates: Apex Legends is continually evolving. Stay updated with the latest patches and changes, as they can affect weapon performance.
  • Watch and Learn: Observing streamers and professional players can provide insights into effective weapon usage and strategies.

Fastest Way To Level Up in Apex Legends

Using a boosting service run by professional gamers is one of the fastest ways to level up in Apex Legends. It can offer several benefits for players looking to level up quickly and efficiently. Here are some key advantages:

  • Time Efficiency: One of the most significant benefits is time-saving. Boosting services can rapidly advance your level, unlocking various features and rewards that would otherwise take a considerable amount of time to achieve through regular gameplay.
  • Skill Improvement: By observing or playing alongside professional gamers, you can learn advanced strategies, tactics, and gameplay mechanics. This exposure can significantly enhance your skills and understanding of the game.
  • Completion of Challenges: Apex Legends is known for its challenging missions and objectives. Boosting services can help complete these tasks more efficiently, especially the ones that might be too difficult or time-consuming for average players.
  • Access to Higher Levels and Rewards: Leveling up gives you skins for characters and weapons, cosmetic items, and also currency to spend on cosmetics. A boost can quickly grant access to these rewards, enhancing your gaming experience.
  • Reduced Grinding: Boosting services eliminate the need for grinding that takes a lot of time, allowing players to enjoy the more exciting aspects of the game. 
  • Learning Game Meta: Professional players are usually up-to-date with the current meta of the game. By using a boosting service, you can gain insights into the most effective characters, weapons, and strategies in the current season.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Many boosting services offer customized packages, allowing players to choose specific aspects of the game they want to focus on, be it ranking up, completing certain challenges, or improving skills in specific areas.
  • Confidentiality and Security: Reputable boosting service ensures the confidentiality and security of your account, providing peace of mind while your account is being boosted.


Choosing the right weapon in Apex Legends is a blend of personal preference, playstyle, and adaptability. For beginners, starting with weapons like the EVA-8 Auto, R-301 Carbine, Volt SMG, VK-47 Flatline, and Longbow DMR can provide a solid foundation. The key to mastering Apex Legends lies in practice, experimentation, and adaptation to the evolving gameplay.