From Gearbox, Borderlands 3 has just released a brand-new trailer after an accidental leak on Twitter, even after a quick delete on the social media platform.

Borderlands 3 Launch Trailer now available!

One incident is all it takes

Gearbox was a bit quick to put up the launch trailer of their upcoming Borderlands title. Although they quickly deleted the video on Twitter, it wasn’t fast enough as some fans still managed to capture the trailer. The whole process happened pretty quickly as the launch trailer appeared again from Gearbox, just a few hours after that! After a quick glimse, fans immediately get to see the Guardians of the Galaxy vibes that comes from it! from it.

For your objective perspective, here’s the trailer itself for you to check out:

Trailer Overview

Generally speaking, the trailer does bring upon the feeling of Guardians of the Galaxy into it. From the choice of music to the explosions and the bright neon colors, we can definitely point that out!

Calypso Twins

Taking a deeper look into the launch trailer, we can see both heroes and villains to be the center of attention at some points. The video begins by introducing the Calypso Twins – basically the folks you’ll be facing later on. From our point of view, the duo managed to have great impression towards the fans as we can spot out some impressive recent cosplays of them.

The Calypso Twins.

Vault Hunters

After that, Gearbox showcased a new look to the Vault Hunter: Amara the Siren, Moze the Gunner, Zane the Operative and FL4K the Beastmaster.

Amara "The Siren" concept.

For your information, each and every one of them has a special skill set that can complement each other nicely. However, they aren’t all of them: we’ll get to see more later in the game. In addition to the potential new ones, some familiar faces will return and remind us of the previous Borderlands titles.

Zane Flynt "The Operative" artwork.

In summary

As a matter of fact, Borderlands 3 will come to PC, Xbox One and PS4 in two days, on Sep 13th. Also, we’ll need to wait and see when will it hit Google Stadia after the upcoming launch. At the moment, you can pre-order Borderlands 3 on any console platform via  Amazon.