Ajey Nagar released his new music video Zindagi on his YouTube channel CarryMinati. The song looks promising and it has been written and sung by CarryMinati. The song has been composed and produced by Wily Frenzy. During one of the livestreams, Nagar was informed about song lyrics being shared on one of the posts.
When he noticed about this incident, Nagar was not only shocked but was angry. He assured that necessary action will be taken against the miscreant involved behind the act. The song is available on all major music platforms in India.
However, he later learned that several websites pertaining to song lyrics already had the entire song lyrics on their websites. Well, this would be a lesson learned moment for one of the lovable Indian gaming content creators. CarryMinati has not stopped himself to gaming content, he is trying his hands on almost every aspect. We might expect him in a Bollywood movie too.
Talking about the song, the video looks interesting and talks about his growth in the industry. The lyrics say, "Gir ke utne ka naam hi hai zindagi, Road se Crore tak ki hai ye zindagi." Director music video Zindagi, Kartik Parande has ensured to cover major aspects of the lyrics. Shot extensively in the mountainous region, the video focuses on the life of a youth with sensitive emotions attached to it.
In less than five hours, the video received over 10 Lakh views on YouTube. His fans went gaga about the song and sought reactions from Indian gaming streamers. Gagandeep Singh aka Sikhwarrior played the song during his live stream and praised Ajey Nagar for writing and singing the song.
Rishab Karanwal aka Raka was also asked about his views on the song and he was quick to reply that the song is great and he plans to use the song after seeking permission from Nagar. Well, we wish CarryMinati comes out with more such music videos and keep his fans entertained throughout 2020 and ahead.