Valve has just made their official announcement that The International 10 will need to happen in 2021 due to the COVID-19 health crisis around the world. However, the Battle Pass for this year will only be delayed for a few weeks than usual.

2020 has greeted the world with a global pandemic, turning everything into chaos. While the gaming industry didn't suffer as much as other industries, many tournaments still got canceled, rescheduled, or turned into an online tournament. Even the biggest gaming tournament in the world, The International 10 of DOTA 2, is not an exception.

The virus has forced countries around the world to restrict traveling and social gatherings until the pandemic is gone. But given the situation now when there has been no vaccine and the number of infected still keeps rising, the current state of the world will last for at least a few more months. That why The International 10 will likely be delayed to 2021 with a restructured DPC season.

Other than The International 10, fans are very eager to see the new Battle Pass this year. The good news is the next Battle Pass will only be delayed for a few weeks than usual. 25% revenue of the Battle Pass will still contribute to the prize pool of The International 10. It is possible that the prize pool of International 10 will be contributed by the revenue of the Battle Pass next year as well. That way, The International 10 is definitely going to have a bigger prize pool than The International 9.
Also check out: Polystrike: A Way To Play CS:GO In DOTA 2 Style.