On the side of the major announcement for Dragon Quest XI on Switch,  we also received news about the release of Dragon Quest Builders 2 for the western market. The game was released for the Japanese market at the end of last year.  Dragon Quest Builders 2 is expected to be released this July 12th for PS4 and Switch.

Farming in the game

It is going to the West

We got this amazing news during the presentation of Nintendo's Direct and after that on the social feeds of Square Enix and Sony. To receive all the news coming from Nintendo's Direct help yourself to follow our feeds.

Just like the first Builders installment in the series,  Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a game set in an alternate reality of the Dragon Quest universe. This is a universe where the heroes of the original world were defeated by the antagonist and the entire world became a wasteland. In this strange world, you take on the role of a Builder to tackle the task of rebuilding the world from ashes.

The character in the game

In this game, there are some new and very interesting features such as underwater exploration, first-person view on optional option, dash ability, cooperative local play and much more than that. Those who are player of the first Dragon Quest Builders will be given the special ability to make the throne of Dragon Lord and clothes of the original protagonist.

Trailer of the game

Help yourself to take a look at the trailer just above. If you are interested to know more about the series then you should definitely check out our review on Dragon Quest Builders the first. It is pretty good and at the time it even received an 8/10 score from GameSpot. The review site said that the excellence of the game came from the long history of more than 30 years of Dragon Quest series together with many Minecraft like feature in the game.