The concept of combining top-down Zelda RPG elements and farming simulation is not new anymore. However, Garden Story is still hiding something unique under its sleeves, and it's ... the intriguing vegetable characters!

We've announced you about Garden Story back in August, and the game is coming closer and closer to its Spring 2020 launch. And to heat up a little bit, the developer Picogram, as well as the publisher VIZ Media and Rose City Game, have launched a time-limited demo of this Zelda-like adventure game on Steam.

Below is the trailer to announce this demo release, which you can have a look to see what's good about this game:

The concept of Garden Story

Garden Story packs you into a magical village full of vegetable inhabitants. However, the village now has to face a devastating disease called the Rot, which is breaking the foundation of the island and threatening the life of the villagers.

The rot is eating up the whole island

In the middle of the chaos, you'll take control of Concord - the newly-appointed guardian of the island and dealing with the situation. To be more specific, you'll assist the inhabitants in the village of Grove at the time of need, and strengthen your relationship with them. And don't forget to find the cure for the Rot - your biggest objective to keep the island together.

The busy guardian never got a rest, but if he's making the others happy, he's happy too!

Gameplay features

Garden Story is a non-violent game that wants to transfer the message of doing everything together for mutual goods. To be more specific, you'll play as Concord in a Zelda-like top-down perspective and do everything a new guardian has to do. They include going fishing, recovering the rotten island, meeting other inhabitants and help them if they're in need (they actually suck at everything you can think of).

Help the islanders when they need you

The more you help the islanders, the more they'll appreciate you, and will return your favor in the future. It can be when you're trying to discover the island to search for hidden places to figure out the mystery behind the Rot. Or it's just more normal - just when you need them on certain quests, they will come right away.

If you help them, they'll help you back!

On your journey, you'll have to keep an eye on the resources to bring them back. You can use them to upgrade your tools to take care of the islands much better, saving time for other activities - discovering. The island totally four regions, together holding a broken past, and it depends on you to unveil them.

Search for items to upgrade your tools

Free demo available now

At this moment, you can head to Garden Story's Steam page to download the free demo of the game. This demo will only last until December 21, which means you have more than a month to give the game a try.

The free demo of Garden Story is available on Steam now

This will give you the very first look into the gameplay, visuals, and atmosphere of the game - which is more than enough before the game officially launches. Speaking about launching, Garden Story will come out at an unknown date in Spring 2020.