GTA 5 appears to be really interesting in case you've done with main missions but still want to have more fun in Los Santos. A series of side missions are made available to all three characters (mostly for Franklin), including the “Grass Roots” mission or GTA 5 Weed Stash, and we are going to give you some hints of how to complete this side quest below.
GTA 5 Weed Stash
GTA 5 Weed Stash - Introduction
The first step is to activate the “Grass Roots” quest by leading Michael or Trevor to Barry to trade the substance. However, when the substance is inside, their body can’t handle its strong effects and they begin to hallucinate.

Meanwhile, Franklin seems to be more okay with it when he can smoke without being attacked by the effects. Therefore, Barry orders him to complete a mission - Find GTA 5 Weed Stash hidden in two separate spots in Los Santos, then go back and give all of them to him.
GTA 5 Weed Stash One - Marietta Heights, The Truck
All you have to do at GTA 5 Weed Stash Location One is to steal a truck and go back to Barry. But you have to be fast as you will be chased by the police right after you set foot in the truck. Carefully drive into alleys to avoid the police and quickly make your way back to Barry.

Gold Medal Standards
Mission Time: The quest has to be completed in 2:45, which can only be achieved when you choose the right route to get back to Barry. Franklin’s special ability can help in shaking off the cops on the streets.

Stay Unwanted: The cops will be all on you right when you and the truck are out of the lot. So, in order to stay clean, instead of driving out of the path as usual, go right from the first turn to get to a small alley, follow it until you reach a grassy area. You will get to another parking lot from there, and then you can go out on the streets without having any cops standing in your way.
GTA 5 Weed Stash Two - La Puerta, The Drag
Although there will no longer be any police going after you, in this spot, instead of driving the car you will have to drag it by the nearest tow truck you can find in the area. Once you successfully arrive at Barry’s location with the car, the mission will be completed.

Gold Medal Standards
Hooked: The car has to be hooked until it is safely arrived at Barry without being crashed.

Mission Time: This time the completion time limit to earn the gold medal is 1:30, which is quite tough as you have to keep the car safe and be punctual at the same time. Again, Franklin’s ability will help A LOT, so make full use of it. Try not to get yourself killed as you will have to start it all over again.
About GTA 5
GTA V - Grand Theft Auto V is one of the most successful action-adventure games developed and released by Rockstar Games in 2013. Although the game is not free, the company indeed worked very hard on the product to reach the AAA quality.

Those are probably enough to prove Rockstar’s real care and elaboration towards their products, especially games. GTA 5 has been a success because of the big open world, several missions waiting to be completed, and follows 3 main characters’ journeys.
Rockstar is one of a small number of companies that spend their entire meticulousness on every game they develop. It takes around three years to complete a game, and five years after GTA 5, Red Dead Redemption 2 was finally released in 2018, which is another success with its fabulous details.
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