Earlier today, Blizzard's beta of their latest auto-battler game Hearthstone Battlegrounds is now available for free, to all gamers. Back then, the beta only available to those who pre-ordered the latest expansion of Hearthstone named Descent of Dragons. If you want to have a feel of Blizzard's take at the Auto-battler genre, then you can now go ahead to Hearthstone and give this mode a try. After login into the game, you can access the mode right from the main menu, without having to buy or craft anything. This mode is also separated from the main game's data, too.

A new twist on the auto-battler genre

If this is your first time trying the genre, then let me give you an overall view of it. In these games - like Auto Chess, Dota Auto Chess, Teamfight Tactics, or Underlords - you will have to purchase and upgrade your units and place them on the board like chess pieces. Your unit will fight automatically between rounds, and if you got wiped out, you will lose HP. The game will be over when your HP reaches 0, or when you become the last man standing. As the game progress further, you will get access to more and more stronger units, too.

The minions that will join your cause

In Hearthstone Battleground, like many other auto-battler games on the market right now, the game will be the battle between 8 players. You will use gold coins to summon minions to your cause, and all those 'minions' are taken from the card pool of the main game. All those minions will cost 3 gold, and they can be sold back to the game, too. Gold can also be used to upgrade your tavern - which will grant you access to stronger units - as well as upgrade your main heroes with new skills and abilities.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds is now available for free during the beta phase, and you can try out the game via a menu on Hearthstone.